From Ouroboros
[edit] Introduction
The Elendig are the people who inhabit the natureless world of Sivilis. Hard-working and industrious, the goods made on this planet are second to none. However, the lives of these people is not a happy one. With no natural beauty left in the world, their days are filled wih misery and monotonous labor. Overcrowding, disease, and lack of resources make these people's existance hellish.
[edit] Culture
The Elendig have a social hierarchy similar to our own, with poor, lower middle-class, upper-middle class, and upper class. People with the most money have the most say in political doings, while the poor have little to no influence on the matter. No traditions or holidays exist.
[edit] Appearance
With little to no sunlight reaching the dark streets where the people spend their days, all the inhabitants of Kjempemessig are deathly pale. Mostly shorter than average, a sickly appearance is the common trait of all people on Sivilis.