Neverending Chowder Episode
From Other Fanstuff
The Neverending Chowder Episode!
Chowder: Good Moring Schnitzel!
Schnitzel: Radda Radda!
Chowder: Good Moring Mung!
Mung: We must bake the leet cake!
Chowder: The neverending quest!
{the title is seen for 10 seconds, and cut to in a mysterious blue space with Quinn Boy and STK}
STK: Oh sh*t!
Quinn Boy: DigitalQu33r lolololololololololololol.
{buzz lightyear and Suki is seen}
Buzz Lightyear: Fucking gay movie should be called Bull shit space!
Suki: Yeah...
{Cut back to the begining}
Chowder: Good Moring Schnitzel!
Schnitzel: Radda Radda!
Chowder: Good Moring Mung!
Mung: We must bake the leet cake!
Chowder: The neverending quest!
Mung: What the hell is this repeated?
Chowder: I don't know!
STK: Repeated again!