Vlad Velan Walak
From Ordo Dracul
Name: Vlad Velan Walak
Sworn: Axe
Location: curently in peterborough, UK
Full title:
Vlad Velan Walak
Harvesting Master of the soulfully Sanguine Terror
Grandestwyrm of the UK
Grand Wyrm of Cambridge and Peterborough
Grandmaster of the Axe
Vlad Velan Walak has appeared in some of the earliets records of the ordo dracul
and claims that he was taught by mara herself but this can so far neather be confirmed
nor denied, Valan is a very vocal old school ordo beliving in a stringent adherance to the
words of vlad tepets and his three brides
you can contact me at robin_windon@hotmail.com