Holden Caulfield

From Oneiropedia

Holden Caulfield is the 16-year-old protagonist of J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye. He's no anti-hero; he's a hero for us all. The title of the novel is his dream job. He's got a sister named Phoebe, a brother named D.B., and another brother named Allie who died of leukemia. The night Allie died, Holden smashed out windows with his fist, so now he can't really make a tight fist that well. He has also gone under the names "Rudolf Schmidt" and "Jim Steele." He's as yellow as they come. He even got beat up by a pimp who stole $10 from him. Then he got all drunk and walked around out in the rain. He's attended many private schools, including Whooton and Pencey Prep.

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