Minutes OB 080417
From Obteam
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[edit] Agenda OB Team Meeting
- Time : 5:30pm - 6:40pm+
- Date : 17/04/08
- Day : Thursday
- Venue : Barrettos (Alan Gilbert Building, cnr Grattan St & Barry St)
- Attendance : All
- Meeting facilitator : Mel
- Minute taker: Mel
[edit] Maintainence Tasks (1 min)
amendments to agenda
- may not get through intro
ACTION - Damian (Team Leader) to create group on LMS
[edit] Progress Check (1 min)
From last meeting's action items:
- ACTION- Mel : define a few wiki uses on main page
[edit] Q1(25 mins)
Discuss all comments
- IPT (integrated project team) is the theory/concept that has been planned
- integrated program teams are the applied and observed teams that have been implemented.
- lacking of each of the 4 roles
- lacking important roles at relevent stages of the project
- group into broad issues and analyse these issues in some depth
As Jason CEO finished - completing most projects, needed new projects, pushed by markets b/c more competition from bigger companys ill-prepared to compete so 3 main decisions to make the company more equiped to compete in the market.
[edit] Problems
[edit] Overall probs
0.1. change in management within leadership group
- recognised issues but assumed it would change over time
- envisioned what things would end up like but got off track
- lacked oragnisational leadership
0.2. Dont have communications set up to channel problems.
- spanning leadership issues to communicate progress and problems
- org leadership issues to ensure teams stick to the tasks
0.3. People needed individual leadership skills
- need training of leadership skills to identify problems and develop solutions/processes.
[edit] IPT
1.1. [ppl are member of several ipts at the same time (is this a BIG problem?)] <----- limitation on theory
1.2. members dont understand what the new system is all about AND
members dont understand why there is a change in system
- dont understand values
- suggests lack in social leadership
1.3. changes in team members <--- This is an example of the limitations of DB's theory
- need social leadership to integrate the teams
- ppl should be in the project from the beginning and not come in midway
1.4. [roles created well, and included at relevant time (good)]
1.5. members dont understand IPT responsibilities and roles (pg 4) - result of change in system
- social and spanning leadership should communicate this from management to teams and let it be intergrated.
1.6. attitude towards IPTs would eventually buy into the new system
- it would just go away in time
- results (over budget) prove them wrong
[edit] Program team
2.0. members dont understand why there is a change in system
- not involved in decision and want to change back, against their culture.
- lack of social leadership to create understanding of the new system
2.1. Are unwilling to apply to new system
[edit] Steering Team
3.0. Didnt provide an overall vision
3.1. Dont have someone from program team to representation in the steering team
- lack of integration of teams (spanning)
- steering team unaware of other teams
- to provide feedback and progress updates
3.2. lack of deadlines and pressure to get work done
Decide on key points (with justifications)
- All above sections EXCEPT 1.1 and 1.3 included in a critique section.
ACTION - All - Look over key points. Improve key points where needed. Consider which sections you would like to continue. Decide which sections should/should not be included and how to form these into paragraphs/content of the end report.
[edit] Project summary(3 mins)
any revelations about the project to share since last meeting.
- teams undefined
- project should b focused on addressing all marking criteria
[edit] Q2(5 min)
Next Meeting
[edit] Write up intro(15 mins)
Next Meeting
[edit] Planning(10 mins)
Next Meeting
[edit] Task Allocation (5 mins)
Next Meeting
[edit] Actions to be completed:
[edit] All
- Look over key points. Improve key points where needed. Consider which sections you would like to continue. Decide which sections should/should not be included and how to form these into paragraphs/content of the end report.
[edit] Damian
- Team Leader to create group on LMS
[edit] Mel
- Define a few wiki uses on main page
[edit] Details of the next meeting (2 min)
- 9 - 10 AM
- Monday
- ICT Building foyer (111 Barry St)