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Film resources in Napier Library

Key reference books

These can all be found in Merchiston Library reference section: follow the links to our library catalogue then click on Location to see the shelfmark.


List of key journals available in Napier Library - print & electronic

Journal Databases

These can help you identify useful journal articles: note the links to our helpsheets as you connect to the service.

You may still have more work to do to find the full text of the articles! See our web page on Locating Journal Articles.

Film and arts in general:

Newspaper articles

  • Nexis UK contains the full text of a huge range of international newspapers - but no pictures, sadly.

Technical subjects:

Market reports:

Other Databases

Images and film clips:

  • BFI Screenonline - a website devoted to the history of British film and television
  • AHDS Visual Arts: Collections
  • Film and Sound Online - a set of ten collections of film and video, providing about 300 hours of material on a wide range of subjects
  • SCRAN - a resource base of Scottish material culture and human history
  • Films from the Home Front - a collection of unique moving images illustrating what life was like for ordinary people in Britain during the Second World War, as seen through amateur documentaries, newsreels, government films, and home movies.
  • Capital Collections - a choice of images from the collections of Edinburgh City Libraries and Information Services

TV schedules

  • TRILT - Television and Radio Index for Learning and Teaching - listings for more than 300 TV and radio channels with data from 1995 onwards

Technical data

Film resources on the Internet

Internet Gateways

Intute: arts and humanities - The guide to quality Internet resources in the Arts and Creative Industries. Contains sections on Architecture, Art, Communications and Media, Culture, Design, Fashion and Beauty, Music and Performing Arts

Free online journals

Film-Philosophy - "A journal and discussion salon promoting a philosophical review of cinema, Film-Philosophy combines original review articles with email response and argument … the site also exists as a portal to the best new writings and other links from around the web."

Jump Cut: a review of contemporary media - Classic essays from earlier issues available online.

p.o.v. filmtidsskrift: a Danish journal of film studies - Film journal published at Aarhus University.

Scope: an online journal of film studies - "Scope is a fully peer-reviewed online journal edited by staff and students in the Institute of Film & Television Studies at the University of Nottingham.....Scope provides a forum for discussion of all aspects of film history, theory and criticism."

Screening the Past - "an international, refereed, electronic journal of visual media and history". With a searchable archive of full-text articles.

Senses of Cinema - "an online film journal devoted to the serious and eclectic discussion of cinema". There is an excellent searchable archive of full-text articles.

Film Quick Reference

- IMDb - the Internet Movie Database - Recommended movie database with information on more than 200,000 titles.

CinemaSpot - " is a free information resource center that simplifies the search for top movie-related resources on the Web." Reviews, film history, industry information, articles, events.

Film scripts

The Internet Movie Script Database - hundreds of film scripts for reading and downloading.

Film history

Silent Era - "A collection of news and information pertaining to silent era films." The Film List section is particularly useful as the index entries for each film include references to books and articles.

National Museum of Photography, Film & Television - Information about the museum and lots of links to interesting websites

Video clips

LikeTelevision - The Broadband Media Network - a US-based service which delivers video applications over the internet. Their web site contains thousands of video clips from television shows, which may be accessed and used for personal or educational purposes. Categories are Classic TV, Cartoons, Movies, History, Toys, Time Machine.

Film Industry

British Film Institute - Information on the Institute's activities, forthcoming events, advice on film funding. Access to the BFI Film and TV database, and BFI Screenonline

European Audiovisual Observatory - The European Audiovisual Observatory is a "focal point for business information on the audiovisual sector in Europe." Information and data on economic, legal and financial matters concerning the film industry, television, video and the new media in 33 European member States and within the European Union. Some industry reports can be read online free of charge.

Scottish Screen - "Scottish Screen is the national development agency for the screen industries in Scotland.". Information about Scotland as a film location, schemes for encouraging new work, and links to other sites

BKSTS: the Moving Image Society - The British Kinematograph Sound and Television Society - "to encourage, sustain, educate, train and represent all those who are involved creatively or technologically in the business of providing moving images and associated crafts in any form and through any media". While the site is primarily for members of the society, it also includes careers information and related web links.

Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences - the official Oscars site, and all about the Academy as well.

Study skills for film students

Georgia State University: Moving Image Studies: Miscellaneous links - Includes Tips for graduate writing, and Hints for doing moving image studies research in libraries - but please bear in mind that Napier will not have subscriptions to everything mentioned here! In many cases you will have to relate the advice to UK sources instead.

University of Toronto: Advice on Academic Writing - essay writing, critical reading, note taking, internet research, plagiarism, style and grammar and much more

Film and education

Screensite - an American-based, wide-ranging site that facilitates the teaching and research of film/TV/new media. Contains links to movie databases, research bibliographies, broadcasting networks, film production companies.

British Universities Film & Video Council - this site covers educational use of film and video in all academic subject areas, and is a good source of information on research collections and educational broadcast productions. Includes the catalogue of the British Universities Newsreels Project.

What's on in Edinburgh

Edinburgh Film Guide - Lists films currently showing at all the city cinemas.

the - Cinema - Edinburgh What's On site - has the advantage that you can quickly list all films showing in Edinburgh today and find out where they are on, rather than having to scan all the different cinema listings. The home page also has theatre, music and exhibitions, and much more.

Edinburgh Filmhouse - Details of the current month's programme, and forthcoming events

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