Starting Your Search

From Nulisbus

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Define what you’re looking for

  • Identify key concepts & terms, including broader, narrower and related terms (use a dictionary, thesaurus etc)
  • Set limits
    • geographic (UK, EU, US, Worldwide…)

Are you looking at a company, for example, in a particular part of the world e.g. Coca Cola in the UK, or in China, or Europe etc etc

    • date range (before/after 200?)

How far back do you want to find information from? Is the last 5 years enough? Do you need to go back further? if you do go back further, is that information still valid?

    • scope (overview, analysis, commentary)

What type of information are you looking for? Perhaps a Case Study, or a simple company overview. Perhaps an analysis of a particular market or perhaps some management theory?

  • Identify your sources
    • books, journals, videos, databases, websites

Undertake your search

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