
From Nseurope

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Region: Europe
Motto: "Pro tanto quid retrebamus"
Map: Geographical


Official Language(s): English, Mokeran, Welsh
Capital: New Cardiff
Population: 132,600,127 (October 2005 Est.)
Currency: Norfolk Pound
Leader: HRH King Charles V
Stats: NSEconomy Pipian XML


[edit] United Kingdom of Pascifitonia

Pascifitonia (n.): (Pas-cif-ee-toneea) North West European constitutional monarchy. People: Pascifitonians (Pas-cif-ee-toneeans); Adjective: Pascifitonian (Pas-cif-ee-toneean).

[edit] Summary

[edit] Location

Pascifitonia is located in Western Europe on the North Eastern coast. The country borders; Europaland, Kadikistan, Danmark, Lucan and the coast faces the Sea of Four Nations. The location means the nation is a good base for travel and trade to the northern islands or the Great Sea. The location also means the country is liable to floods and oil spills which in recent years, due to Global Warming has become a major problem. Over £1.9 billion has been spent on flood defenses along the coast. It is unique in being the only European country to have the -1/2 ANT timezone.

[edit] Landscape

Pascifitonia is famous for its flat terrain and lakes. In the south the country is very agricultural with many rolling hills and large open spaces. Darnlyshire is famous for it's beaches and beautiful clear sea which attracts thousands of tourists. New Norfolk is home to the system of lakes called 'The Broads' which span the flat landscape. Pascifitonia's landscape means that development is easy and agriculture is even easier. The many rivers are still used to transfer goods from cities in southern Pascifionian and Elsen to New Cardiff and out to sea. There are 2 major mountain ranges which run down the 'spine' of the country these are; The Khilterns in New Norfolk and The Draig. Other favourite tourist spots include the Bay of Veet.

[edit] History

See History of Pascifitonia

[edit] Culture and Religion

[edit] Culture

[edit] Art

Pascifitonian art started to show as a spearate art form in 1800 when Barry Leqk began to paint in the Pointillism style which was highly successful abroad. Since then Pascifitonian art has taken many different forms. Some of the most famous artists have been:

[edit] Literature

Pascifitonia is a nation of many languages and thus a hub of publishing. English is the main language with Welsh, Mokeran and German also being locally spoken. Publishing is one of the maor industries in Pascifitonia with almost 3000 publishing houses around Pascifitonia. The most famous of which are; Hardings & Woolve, Jarden and Kelso.

[edit] Music

The current music scene in Pascifitonia is based on Pop Music and Indie Rock. Bands such as Kaiser Cheifs, Maroon 5, Basement Jaxx and Jaqoot are very popular. Traditonal music is usually live and happy with a good bass line. The national anthem is a good example.

[edit] Religion

Pascifitonia has no official religion. Its major religion is Twentish Catholicism which thrives in the northern states. In the southern states such as Elsen and Powys Muslim is a major religion with Methodism and other forms of christianity also popular. At schools in Pascifitonia religion is taught with an empasis on diversity.

[edit] Diversity

Pascifitonia is a highly diverse nation. The majority of the population are white-european. There are, however, many different races. The largest and most prominent are Elsenian which are usually found in Southern Pascifitonia. Muslims, Jews, Christians and Buddhists all live side by side in the larger cities. The constitution states "All races shall live in peace and harmony without fear".

[edit] The National Anthem

Up and above the Afon is the national anthem of Pascifitonia

It was written in 1832 by George Alex-Lloyd. The music was composed by Robert Alerton at the request of Queen Elizabet I. The word 'King' in the second Stanza can be exchanged for 'Queen' when needed.

First Stanza

Up above the young Afon
Lies Pascifitonia, resting
On open plains.
This beloved homeland,
This dear fatherland
Was chosen for us by
God's wise hand.

Second Stanza

Long live Pascifitonia,
Blossoming on the young Afon,
Happy and faithful!
Long live the King of the Land,
Long live our fatherland,
Through bonds of brotherly love
united and free!

[edit] Economy

[edit] Government

[edit] Local Government

[edit] Constituency System

A constiuency is a small area of between 1mi² and 70mi² depending on the density. A rural constituency is called a Parish and an urban constituency is called a Ward. Each Ward or Parish elects a MP (Member of Parliment) and a MSP (Member of State Parliment). These elections are known as the Local Elections and take place every four years on September 6th.

[edit] Diagram


[edit] County System

A county consists of between 10 and 90 constituencies. There are 2 different types of counties; Urban Districts which consist of a whole Town and City, and Rural Districts which contain several villages and are usually larger than Urban Districts. Each County is run by a Council which make most local level decisions. Each county elects a CR (County Representative) who sits in the Upper House and they also elect a Councillor for their Constituency who sits in the local Council. One representative from the council also sits in the State Parliment and so does the CR.

[edit] Diagram


[edit] State System

A state consists of between 30 and 60 counties. There are 6 States in Pascifitonia:

Each state has it's own Parliment (apart from Elsen see below) which makes many decisions which effect the State as a whole. The Parliment elects a State President and a State Representative. The SR sits in the Upper House. Also sitting in the Parliment are a board of CRs. A new state was formed in October 2005. Inner Islands consists of the 4 islands which make up the Fordla Chain.

The state is also divided up into administritve areas which are the base for Police Forces, transport and other larger-scale operations. The AAs, as they are known, are between 4 and 20 miles in size and range from urban to rural.

[edit] Elsen Government

Elsen's Status as an Automnous Region has given it it's own devolved Parliment. This means that laws passed in New Cardiff must also be passed in Newington before they can be implimented in the area.

[edit] Diagram


[edit] National Government

[edit] The Cabinet

Ministry Name
External Affairs Dr. George FRANCIS
International Trade Lord Johnathon HEPFORD
Economy and Industry Prof. Aalen JAARNESÅ
Finance Kristoph LAARE
Justice Lord William LUCAS
Internal Affairs Kriaan LEORØ
Transport and Infrastructure Dr. Rhiannon DERAA
Parliment Samual REYNOLDS
Defence Dr. Brendan JOHNSON
Education and Science Liam KEYZOR
Culture Liaane FANØSE
Public Health Rosie SMITH
Agriculture, Food and Fisheries Lord Luke THOMPSON
Tourism Dr. Susanna SMITH
Media and Sport Dr. Maøs LARK
Enviroment Griffys RYAN

[edit] The Budget


[edit] International Relations

For inquiries about opening an embassy in Pascifitonia please contact the Foreign Office

[edit] Organisations

[edit] Media

See Pascifitonian Media

pascflg2a.jpg United Kingdom of Pascifitonia and Elsen
States Darnlyshire | Elsen | Leeshire | NCMA | New Norfolk | Powys | Inner Islands
Major Cities New Cardiff | Longbenton | Norwich | Newington | Brighton | Tyne and Callerton
Topics Geography | Politics | Sport | Transport | Economy | History | Culture | Symbols
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