Ministry of Secrets

From Nova




The Ministry of Secrets is the shadiest of the Alfegos governmental ministries, with its existance neither confirmed nor denied. It is headed by the Secret Minister Uri Klan'tro, and continues to advance Alfegos secretly in sciences.


During the First Civil War, Alfegos found the need for a democratic underground group of agents who could bring new technology onto the battlefield and perform special operations. Since that time, it has expanded in its new headquarters underground in New Zevkhay, and continues to perform secret operations.

Current Projects

A list of the current operational projects at the ministry.

Project 1 - The Upe'die Project

Started in 1982, the Upe'die project was commisioned to design and implement a "super soldier" for standard military use. Starting with stomatic modification and bionics, the project proceeded onto fully non-organic frames that ended with the Die VI battle drone. The project currently has a history of 4 external uses, and is mainly used for internal security.

Project 2 - Entanglement Portals

The project was designed to use the phenomena of contaminative entanglement of particles to allow for transmission of matter across space, time and into other universes. There are currently 820 portals in operation, with 30 activly used. This leads to the sub-projects in the department.

Sub-project 2a - Exile

For the most dangerous of terrorists and prisoners, Alfegos has a simple solution: throw them through a portal into another universe/time of inconsequence and shut the portal behind them. It has currently dealt with 70 prisoners and has a 100% success rate.

Sub-project 2b - The Proving Grounds

For testing nuclear weapons and other weapons of high sensitivity, portals can be opened into other universes that allow for testing without breaking laws. Hostile repsonses from the natives often occurs, so the area of testing are not usually permanent.

Sub-project 2c - Spacial Mass Transport

The ultimate infiltration tactic: using a portal to transmit someone across to another country behind enemy lines. However, does not have a high rate of accuracy, with many agents deemed "Missing - Presumed Temporally Misplaced".

Project 3 - The Gi'nam Project

The ministry since 1973 dealt with polymorphic drugs and techniques for the quick changing of someones features. While the physical and stomatic surgery has proved to be 94% reliable, the chemical methods had only a 61% success rate, with many subjects being hideously deformed. With many subjects staying on for more testing to remove defects, the project is notorious for the horrors it can create.

Project 4 - Mind Liberation

As many suspects and enemies of Alfegos are better off forgetting what they have done or being interrogated by agents, the project started in 1967 and since then has produced a much better understanding of the human mind, as well as how to erase memories from a set time period, as well as limited neural interfacing between machines and humans.

Project 5 - Artificial Battlefield Weaponry

Started in 1992, the project intended to create intelligent battledrones, such as those used in Project 1, for the purpose of the destruction of the enemy without casualties. So far, their work has meant that unmanned spydrones, logistics vehicles and bomb disposal vehicles as well as suicide trucks have been implemented.

Project 6 - Biological Warfare Research

For the purposes of biological warfare, the project started operation in 1957, and since has continued to provide a range of cures to biological agents, as well as producing powerful hybrids/GM bacteria.

Project 7 - Power Generation

The unit that powers the entire ministry, and is devoted to advanced power technologies, with such things as Kinetic batteries and lithium nano-particular batteries now in common use in Alfegos. The department contains 10 AETOI Self-contained nuclear reactors with each generating 100MW/h of energy.

Project 8 - Orbital Research

The project was orignally started in 1956 to summise if it was possible for orbital weaponry to be deployed. So far, it has created three series of satellites that are still in orbit: the EITS spy satellite network, the Valhalla Orbital Attack system and the Falling Star suicide satellite network.

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