Sundip's farewell mail

From Nlsiu Batchof2005

Now that Niladri has come out into the open, and laid himself bare before the world, I feel I must follow in those great and glorious footsteps.

After all, we only get to live once in the national law school and MAN HAVE I LIVED!!! IN FACT I ROCK!

I have had some fantastic roommates and I must thank them all... especially the bengalis on my floor. bangla is the greatest language on the earth. i have had many hours of aural pleasure (and oral). Of course, one always regrets 'the one that got away', but such is life.

Aw, who am i kidding? LIFE SUCKS!!!

anyways, coming back to my roommates, I have to say that captain has given me good comp in sleeping, but I KICK HIS ASS, because I AM THE DUDE!!! I sleep 16 HOURS A DAY. YEAH!!!!! HEE HAW!!! CHOTA NABOB DOESN'T HAVE A PATCH ON ME!!!

I am also the best debater in class. IN THE WHOLE WORLD EVEN! I am going to KICK THE ASS in the coming rounds. Just because I had one bad day and am now in the class reserves does not mean that I don't get RESPECT! In fact, i am not merely the class reserve... i am THE CLASS RESERVE!!!! NOTE THE FRIKKIN CAPITALS, MORONIC PLEBIAN NON-BENGALI SCUM!!!!

and if any of you want a character reference, pick it up from Kartick MAheshwar, National Law School. He has seen me KICKING BUTT in school, I kicked ALL THOSE ANGLO ASSHOLES and StJames SHIT ! BENGALI SUPREMACY!!! BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL!!!!

Yes, ladies, that's right, I have not forgotten you. As we all know, I have a flame in Delhi and one in Bombay, apart from my chicks in Pakistan.

I have already advertised on Chota Nabob thinks he will get married before me, but I am going to kick his ass AGAIN!!!

I will also take MORE DOWRY!

and I will be RICH!

I love you all!!! I hate all those stupid feminists!!! I love roast beef!!! I hate dirty underwear!!! I love violence against women!!! I even took the damn course!!! I crossdress!!! I admit it!!! Oh god i admit it!!! And I know that you all know the context. Don't deny it......

don't forget me, I love you all.

I am going to sleep now..

In fact, I am sleepwalking at present.

I love you alll..................

Thank you, thank you!

Send me pyaar ka jhapfi at 9880601249.

hug me too.


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