Races Available

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The Following races are available for player characters.
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Humans are adaptable and vigorous. In whatever field they dedicate themselves, humans can prove quite capable. Unfortunately, more humans than any other race seek out the arcane for a quick route to power, despite any dangers. Average Height (male/female) 5'10"/5'6"

  • +1 Trained Skill at Level 1
  • 1 Additional Feat at Level 1, for a total of 3. A Human may trade this starting feat for an additional Trait, within the normal 2/2/1 limits.
  • Quick Recovery - Humans recover 1.5 times their level (round down) hit points after a night's rest, instead of the normal 1x level. Humans may convert 2 reserve points per minute of nonstrenuous activity, and may recover 5 nonlethal (instead of 4) for 1 reserve point. When recovering Reserve points through rest, count a Human's constitution as 2 higher to determine the amount recovered.
  • Versatility - Humans gain access to an additional skill group of their choice at character creation.


The People (‘Lizardfolk’ or ‘Serpent People’ as many humans call them) are, despite the given title, not true reptiles in that they are warm-blooded. here are in fact two different ‘castes’ of The People, noble and warrior. Nobles are generally smarter but their claws are too small to act as effective weapons, while the Warriors are more forceful and combat capable. Average Height (male/female) 6’0”/6’2”

  • +1 natural Damage Reduction from scales. This stacks with DR from armor and the Berserker class, though it does not assist Armigers in gaining Armor Tokens. Lizardfolk can use Armor feats to improve their natural defenses instead of worn armor if they choose, though they must purchase those feats separately from any that enhance worn armor.
  • Scent - see the MM
  • +2 racial bonus to Climb, thanks to claws.
  • Noble/Warrior - At creation, choose a caste-breed for your Lizardfolk, this decision cannot be changed in game.
    • Nobles gain a +2 racial bonus to Intelligence, and may select one Feat Mastery (such as Venom Lore, or Weapon Finesse) to treat as 1 higher for purposes of determining feat availability (this specific mastery may not be further raised with the Prodigy trait).
    • Warriors gain a +2 racial bonus to Strength, and their claws are a bit longer and can act as natural weapons. They can make one natural attack per round, base damage 1d6, slashing and piercing, power. If wielding a weapon, the warrior can make a secondary natural attack at a -5 to hit, as part of a full attack action.
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