Hagurumon Emails/return

From Nick Bate Wiki

Hagurumon Email 37

Nick's triumphant return to HRWiki. But the party soon takes a nose-dive into chaos... Well, not really, but I felt like saying that.

Cast: Nick, Heather

Places: Nick's Bedroom


[edit] Transcript

NICK: Hagurumon email number thirty-seven. Let's get to it.

subject: helscome back
Hey Nick,
Welcome back man! What's it like to return? What are some of 
the things you hope to achieve?
Your liverwurst,

NICK: Oh, lol {spells it "o lawl"}. You mean my "triumphant" return to HRWiki? Not exactly triumphant, if you ask me, after that whole WikiNazi debacle. ...wait, "debacle"? Why the crap am I using vocabulary words all of a sudden? This is not helping me retain my title as "World's Stupidest Person".

{Cut to a frontal-view of Nick at the computer, as opposed to the regular camera view of the back of Nick's head. Heather slowly rises behind him, then puts her hands on his shoulders, scaring him a bit. Nick stops typing.}

NICK: Oh, hey, Heather! I didn't realize you were here.

HEATHER: Yeah, I moved into your house a month ago.

NICK: I wouldn't really call this a hoose. It's a cave. So, uh, are you watching me check-a my email or something?

HEATHER: {quickly} Probably, maybe, no, yeah.

NICK: Boy, are you fickle. Ahem. {starts typing again} Well, let's run doon my checklist.

{Cut to a close-up of a piece of regular lined notebook paper.}

NICK: {voiceover} First of all, I'd like to say that returning feels like a mixture of joy and anxiety. I haven't been on HRWiki for almost two years now, so I don't recognize any of you guys' memes and fads, but that's all fine and dandy. I'm gonna enjoy getting back to writing fanfiction and making up crappy text adventures after my long, long trailer. I mean, vacation.

HEATHER: {voiceover} Throw a party!

NICK: {voiceover} Yes, do that. Okay, so...things I hope to achieve? Well, there is something I've always wanted. It'd be cool if I made something so awesome that it got tons of comments on its talk page, like at the ol' 'Tavi wiki. {"get comments" appears on the piece of paper, with a checkbox next to it} And I guess it'd be cool to win a Fanstuff of the Week/Month award... {"win award" appears} And, um, what else? Oh, now this'n's a long shot, but I'd love to have my own fan club, because apparently I developed an ego recently. {"fan club, baby" appears} Oh, and there has to be a good number of girls who're in love with me. {"(mostly girls, plz)" is added to the previous item on the list} And I noticed that it's difficult to find stuff to edit on the knowledge base, because there's just so many people on there all at once, somebody always beats me to the punch. {"edit stuff" appears} Ooh, and I hope to actually stay in character- {"stay in character (or else!)" appears} -and maybe improve my writing skills, so I can write scripts for Flash cartoons and stuff. I mean, I plan to make a living off of 'em. {"improve skillzees" appears}

{Cut back to Nick and Heather.}

NICK: How was that?

HEATHER: Nice jorb.

NICK: There you go, Sterrie. My checklist of stuff I hope to achieve on HRWiki and HRFWiki. Also, to plug my newest project, all y'alls better visit me an' Mandy's creation... BSWiki: The Next Generation!

HEATHER: Yes, do it, or I will throw a glass of chocolate milk at you!

NICK: ...what? Also, tune in next time on Hagurumon Emails, when I attempt to use the word "contrecoup" in a sentence!

{Cut to a "The end" screen.}

[edit] Easter Eggs

  • At the beginning, click on "World's Stupidest Person" to see a poster for World's Stupidest Person Contest '07.

[edit] Fun Facts

[edit] Trivia

  • I announced my return to HRWiki the day this was written.
  • I actually met Heather exactly a month ago as of the day this was written. The meetening took place on April 27th, 2007. She is currently my girfriend.
  • Once again, I use my fake Candian accent when I say "hoose" and "doon".
  • A few of my creations actually did get comments at the 'Tavi wiki. I forget exactly what, but I believe they were a text adventure, a fic called The Magic Marshmallow, and some other fic that involves Strong Bad traveling inside the Internet or something.
  • I really am hoping my Flash 'toons actually make at least a little money. I plan on being a househusband, so me and my wife are going to need as much help as we can get. But I'm terrible at writing and drawing, so I'll most likely end up becoming a hobo.
  • Me and my good friend Mandy (yeah, she be's from HRWiki) are working on re-creating the old Bonus Stage Wiki that was somehow deleted one day. You can check it out here, but I warn you, it's under construction and is very crappy right now. It needs a lot of work.

[edit] Real-World References

  • The "long, long trailer" remark is a reference to the They Might Be Giants song "Everything Right Is Wrong Again", which in turn references a movie.
  • "Skillzees" is a reference to Bonus Stage. I forget which episode it was exactly, but I'm fairly sure one of the Tandy Brothers said it.
  • "Nice jorb" obviously is referring to Coach Z's accent, namely from A Jorb Well Done. People online are all the time quoting it. I sure hope we don't overkill the joke.
  • "BSWiki: The Next Generation" is a reference to Star Trek: The Next Generation. My family over here has been watching way too much Star Trek lately. But don't worry, they don't go to conventions.
  • Contrecoup is a song by They Might Be Giants (and also a real word). It is from their new album, The Else, coming out July 10th in CD form, and also it's already released on iTunes. Buy it now. It's really good. I'm listening to it right now. Best songs on the album = Contrecoup, Bird Of The Bee Of The Moth, and The Mesopotamians.


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