Coach Z Does Stuff/Chapter 1

From Nick Bate Wiki

{Our story starts off as just a normal day for the gang, until something goes horribly wrong... well, not that horribly, but still kinda horrible... a little. Well, all right, not horrible at all. There, happy now?}

{The story starts off with Strong Bad, passed out on the couch. Strong Sad stares at sleeping Strong Bad until he wakes up.}

STRONG BAD: AAGH! How long have you been standing there?

STRONG SAD: Ohh, somewhere around five hours... {holds up a stopwatch} minutes and forty-nine seconds.

STRONG BAD: You really... need to find better use of your time.

STRONG SAD: Is there any specific reason why you've been sleeping this whole time? You even missed all your favorite TV shows.

STRONG BAD: No, there is not a reason, Interrogation Jason! Why don't you leave me alone and, uhh, go back to constructing those wood-davers you're always talking about?

STRONG SAD: Ooh, that's a good idea! {runs "behind the black"}

STRONG BAD: O-kay, let's see here... {picks up the remote and presses a button} Uh-huh... {changes the channel} Okay... {changes again} You suck... {changes again} Re-runs...

{A loud crash is heard in the distance, startling Strong Bad and making him jump a bit.}

STRONG BAD: What in the name of crap?!

{Cut to the computer room, where Homestar is lying on Strong Bad's now-broken computer desk. Strong Bad rushes in to see what all the ruckus is.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Ow, my entire body!

STRONG BAD: What've you done to my table?!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I was trying to stand upside-down on your ceiling, and, umm, {quickly} I fell on your TV stand.

STRONG BAD: Do you realize how much that cost me?! Two bucks. It cost me two bucks. Do you have two bucks?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh, I have all kinds of two bucks, Strong Band.

STRONG BAD: Then how about you get out of my house and pay me those all kinds of two bucks? Err... not necessarily in that order...

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {looks down as if checking his pockets} Oh... wait... I only have five bucks.

STRONG BAD: Whatever. Pay me the five today, and you can give me the other three million tomorrow.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Gee, thanks, Strong Bad! You're a real friend!

{Homestar pulls the money out of nowhere and hands it to Strong Bad, then runs off-screen someplace.}

STRONG BAD: No I'm not. Yeah, STAY off-screen.

to be continued

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