Hagurumon Emails/cameo

From Nick Bate Wiki

Hagurumon Email 40

Noxigar wants to have a cameo appearance in Hagurumon Emails.

Cast: Nick, Mandy, Simon

Places: Mandy's House


{Open to Nick, Mandy and Simon in Mandy's house.}

NICK: And that's why my mom isn't allowed within a ten mile radius of me.

MANDY: Oh, I see now!

SIMON: Good show.

NICK: Uhh... {looks down at his watch} Oh, crap, I have to check my emails!

SIMON: You have a set time for tha-

NICK: {angrily} Yes Simon I have a set time for that. {normal} Do not question my oddities.

MANDY: You can use my computer, I guess. I just...don't see why... you have a set time for emails...

NICK: Nononono, it's all good.

{Nick presses a button on his watch, making an email appear on the screen.}

NICK: Ow, wow, Not-Cigar, I hope you realize KN's not the only cameo on my show. Practically everyone is a friggin' cameo. For example, {points to Mandy and Simon} You may have heard of Shippinator Mandy and Psychosis? Or...well...maybe not Psychosis. {Simon frowns} Not to mention Waylon, aka Discount Brick; Roxy slash Tara, aka TMBGirl;

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