Hagurumon Emails/cameo

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'''NICK:''' Hey cool, it worked.
'''NICK:''' Hey cool, it worked.
'''NOXIGAR:''' Oh, I'm on Hagurumon Emails!
'''NICK:''' Indeed you are.
'''NOXIGAR:''' Thanks for having me.
'''NICK:''' No problem, Nox.
'''NOXIGAR:''' Sooo... what happens now?
'''NICK:''' Umm, good question. We kinda don't have much of a plot now.
'''SIMON:''' We could all have crappy voices and do absolutely nothing, like in Cursive Written Script!
'''MANDY:''' No, that's a horrible idea. Let's never do that, ever.
'''NICK:''' Yeah, I have to agree, that's not cool. But I ''do'' have an idea.
''{Cut to Noxigar and not-evil Nick sitting on the set of a talk show. The words "The Nick Bate Show" appear, accompanied by some music. The words fade out.}''
'''NICK:''' Welcome back to The Nick Bate Show. Here with us today is special guest Noxigar, making a cameo appearance.
'''NOXIGAR:''' Hello, audience!
'''NICK:''' Actually, we have no audience. ''{Cut to the audience stands, where nobody but Randy is sitting. Cut back.}'' And we're not really on TV.
'''NOXIGAR:''' Ohh...
'''NICK:''' Yeah. So umm, today, for The Nick Bate Show, I'd like to introduce a new segment: "Interview the Host", in which the guests interview the hosts. It's like a role reversal.
'''NOXIGAR:''' Okay, uhh... ''{holds up some cue cards}'' Nick... I hear that Kentucky Don't Exist. Is this true?
'''NICK:''' Abso-posi-lu-ti-te-ve-ly.
'''NOXIGAR:''' Okaaaay... moving on... ''{flips to next cue card}'' What is your relationship with Mandy the co-host and Simon the severely unpaid intern?
'''NICK:''' Well, I can't exactly answer that question due to some legal issues involving a priest, some government documents, and Macen throwing rocks through car windows.
'''NOXIGAR:''' Thank you for not sharing. ''{next cue card}'' What are your favorite TMBG songs?
'''NICK:''' Uhhh, good question. I love all TMBG songs. Well, maybe not ''all'' of 'em, I mean, 'cause there's You'll Miss Me and O Do Not Forsake Me... but ''almost'' all of 'em. I mean, you gots the classics like They'll Need A Crane, Ana Ng, etcetera... and then you got the newer stuff like Contrecoup, Experimental Film, The Mesopotamians... it's just so hard to choose. It's like asking a hardcore Homestar Runner fan what their favorite Strong Bad Email is.
'''NOXIGAR:''' We can all relate to that. ''{next cue card}'' Nick is cool and awesome and cool. True or false?
'''NICK:''' Three and a half thumbs up!
'''NOXIGAR:''' ............yeah.
''{Cut to backstage. The talk show theme music is playing again, and Nick walks up to Simon, who is holding a clipboard and wearing a headset.}''
'''SIMON:''' Nice job. Today's show was great.
'''NICK:''' Indeed it was. So, um, did you put brown M&Ms in my dressing room?
'''SIMON:''' Yes I did.
''{Cut to Nick in his bedroom, finishing up the email.}''
'''NICK:''' So in the end...you got your cameo, the time machine mysteriously vanished again, and our show got canceled. Huzzaaaaahhhh...oh wait...that sucks...
''{"The end" appears on his laptop.}''

Revision as of 23:17, 10 June 2007

Hagurumon Email 40

Noxigar wants to have a cameo appearance in Hagurumon Emails.

Cast: Nick, Mandy, Simon, Coach Z, Bubs, Noxigar

Places: Mandy's House, Vladimir's Garage, Bubs' Concession Stand


{Open to Nick, Mandy and Simon in Mandy's house.}

NICK: And that's why my mom isn't allowed within a ten mile radius of me.

MANDY: Oh, I see now!

SIMON: Good show.

NICK: Uhh... {looks down at his watch} Oh, crap, I have to check my emails!

SIMON: You have a set time for tha-

NICK: {angrily} Yes Simon I have a set time for that. {normal} Do not question my oddities.

MANDY: You can use my computer, I guess. I just...don't see why... you have a set time for emails...

NICK: Nononono, it's all good.

{Nick presses a button on his watch, making an email appear on the screen.}

NICK: Ow, wow, Not-Cigar, I hope you realize KN's not the only cameo on my show. Practically everyone is a friggin' cameo. For example, {points to Mandy and Simon} You may have heard of Shippinator Mandy and Psychosis? Or...well...maybe not Psychosis. {Simon frowns} Not to mention Waylon, aka Discount Brick; Roxy slash Tara, aka TMBGirl; Mike, aka No Toppings; etcetera. Now, there's one thing all these people have in common. They're all my friends whom I instant message all the time. However, that doesn't necessarily stop you from making a cameo appearance. Matter of fact, I think I know a way we could make it happen.

{Cut to Vladimir's garage, where Coach Z is standing. Nick walks in.}

NICK: What exactly are you doing here?

COACH Z: Are you kidding me? This place has some great acourstics! Chekkit out! {holds up a microphone} One two, one two!

NICK: No, let's not. Listen, uhh, Coach, as sorry as I am that there was no track on Here Come The ABCs! named after you, I'm gonna need you to go get Vlad for me.

COACH Z: Oh, that guy? He's tornkering with a karaorke machorne for me.

NICK: Yeah, uhh, you're really overdoing that accent.

COACH Z: {saddened} I know...

{Cut to Bub's Concession Stand. Bubs is standing behind the counter as always.}

BUBS: Come on, everybody! Buy some crap!

{Nick walks up.}

NICK: Yeahno. Hey, I got an anonymous tip from Coach Z that Vladimir's here.

BUBS: Oh, that guy just left. Bought some junk, yes he did.

NICK: I see...

BUBS: And he left some crazy gadget behind. {holds up the broken time machine} Me? I'm reselling it for 300% market value!

NICK: Whoa! It's the time machine! Dudedudedudedude, I MUST HAVE IT.

BUBS: Demand suddenly skyrocketed! Now sellin' at 1000% market value!

NICK: Oh, c'mon!

{Cut to Mandy, Simon and evil Nick standing in front of a tied-up Bubs in Nick's basement.}

NICK: Now that we have this baby, {holds up the time machine} we can save the world and answer my email!

MANDY: Don't you think the world should take priority?

NICK: Man, what has the world ever done for me? Think of all the possibilities...

{Noxigar appears in the room, preceeded by a flash of bright light.}


NICK: Hey cool, it worked.

NOXIGAR: Oh, I'm on Hagurumon Emails!

NICK: Indeed you are.

NOXIGAR: Thanks for having me.

NICK: No problem, Nox.

NOXIGAR: Sooo... what happens now?

NICK: Umm, good question. We kinda don't have much of a plot now.

SIMON: We could all have crappy voices and do absolutely nothing, like in Cursive Written Script!

MANDY: No, that's a horrible idea. Let's never do that, ever.

NICK: Yeah, I have to agree, that's not cool. But I do have an idea.

{Cut to Noxigar and not-evil Nick sitting on the set of a talk show. The words "The Nick Bate Show" appear, accompanied by some music. The words fade out.}

NICK: Welcome back to The Nick Bate Show. Here with us today is special guest Noxigar, making a cameo appearance.

NOXIGAR: Hello, audience!

NICK: Actually, we have no audience. {Cut to the audience stands, where nobody but Randy is sitting. Cut back.} And we're not really on TV.


NICK: Yeah. So umm, today, for The Nick Bate Show, I'd like to introduce a new segment: "Interview the Host", in which the guests interview the hosts. It's like a role reversal.

NOXIGAR: Okay, uhh... {holds up some cue cards} Nick... I hear that Kentucky Don't Exist. Is this true?

NICK: Abso-posi-lu-ti-te-ve-ly.

NOXIGAR: Okaaaay... moving on... {flips to next cue card} What is your relationship with Mandy the co-host and Simon the severely unpaid intern?

NICK: Well, I can't exactly answer that question due to some legal issues involving a priest, some government documents, and Macen throwing rocks through car windows.

NOXIGAR: Thank you for not sharing. {next cue card} What are your favorite TMBG songs?

NICK: Uhhh, good question. I love all TMBG songs. Well, maybe not all of 'em, I mean, 'cause there's You'll Miss Me and O Do Not Forsake Me... but almost all of 'em. I mean, you gots the classics like They'll Need A Crane, Ana Ng, etcetera... and then you got the newer stuff like Contrecoup, Experimental Film, The Mesopotamians... it's just so hard to choose. It's like asking a hardcore Homestar Runner fan what their favorite Strong Bad Email is.

NOXIGAR: We can all relate to that. {next cue card} Nick is cool and awesome and cool. True or false?

NICK: Three and a half thumbs up!

NOXIGAR: ............yeah.

{Cut to backstage. The talk show theme music is playing again, and Nick walks up to Simon, who is holding a clipboard and wearing a headset.}

SIMON: Nice job. Today's show was great.

NICK: Indeed it was. So, um, did you put brown M&Ms in my dressing room?

SIMON: Yes I did.


{Cut to Nick in his bedroom, finishing up the email.}

NICK: So in the end...you got your cameo, the time machine mysteriously vanished again, and our show got canceled. Huzzaaaaahhhh...oh wait...that sucks...

{"The end" appears on his laptop.}

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