
From Newt

Strengths • Free to the user • Easy to Register • Very easy to customize your pages, can have a page for each subject • You can easily change the on page headline display by clicking Deck or River. Deck will divide the page up into feeds and display a list of headlines. River aggregates and lists headlines vertically together with an icon for the source and the time published. • Easy to add RSS feeds • Easy to access links • Easy to edit your pages and to add and delete links • You can quickly scan lots of headlines/stories • You can have unlimited pages of text, video, audio and pages

Weaknesses • Doesn’t give as many edit options as Bloglines • Although it is easy to create a page it took me a little while to work out how to do it. There is a link to view tutorial, but I didn’t find this very helpful.

Opportunities • Easy to organise information so ideal for students or researchers to set up an RSS feed reader to keep up to date • Can embed RSS feeds in Blogs, web pages

Threats • At the moment this software is free, but this could change in the future • There is now guarantee that the reader will be available forever, so information could be lost. • There may be accessibility issues

Personal tools