Contracts of Keys

From Newlogosnwodmod

The Contracts of Keys allow the Changeling to manipulate the opening and closing of portals.

OPLJ25 Cool:) I would say say it exploded my brain..!


[edit] 00 Wheel and Tumbler Dance

The Changeling touches a locked door, causing it to unbar itself and allow him entry as though the door had never been locked in the first place.
Cost: 1 Glamour
Dice Pool: Larceny + Wyrd
Action: Instant
Catch: The changeling must spend a few minutes talking to the lock as though it were a reluctant lover.

[edit] Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The lock completely freezes up and cannot be opened, even with a key, until it is repaired.

Failure: The lock refuses to open and resists further invocations of this Clause until the next sunrise or sunset.

Success: The lock opens, just as though the Changeling had the key or knew the Combination.

Exceptional Success: As above, but when the Changeling closes the door behind him, it locks fast, erasing all trace of his tampering.

[edit] Suggested Modifiers

-1 The lock is electronic.

[edit] 000 The Roadrunner Trick

The Changeling traces out a door in any medium on a flat surface, which then opens to allow him to pass through into whatever is on the other side of the marked surface.
Cost: 2 Glamour
Dice Pool: Craft + Wyrd
Action: Instant
Catch: The Changeling is being pursued by people who intend him harm.

[edit] Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The door appears to open, but only leads back out to its point of origin.

Failure: The door fails to open.

Success: The door opens, allowing the Changeling to step into it and exit on the other side of the surface on which it was drawn. The door closes as soon as the Changeling passes through, but others can go through first.

Exceptional Success: As above, but the door can open out onto any flat surface connected to the surface on which it was drawn.

[edit] Suggested Modifiers

-2 The Changeling has poor or no tools with which to draw the door, or must otherwise open it without clearly marking its threshold and lentil.

[edit] 0000 The Butler Did It

The Changeling stares into a keyhole, and looks out through another keyhole on any scene taking place behind closed doors within the same city.
Cost: 2 Glamour
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Wyrd
Action: Instant
Catch: The Changeling must have stolen a key from the place he's trying to view.

[edit] Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The Changeling is stabbed in the eye by a small key, causing serious pain for the rest of the scene, and inflicting a -1 penalty to all rolls.

Failure: The Changeling sees nothing of what he wants to see.

Success: The Changeling views the scene he's attempting to focus on. People at the location can make Wits + Composure rolls to notice that there appears to be someone on the other side of the door, and the effect ends as soon as the door is opened.

Exceptional Success: The Changeling's "presence" at the viewed location is unnoticeable.

[edit] 00000 Backstage Fire Door

The Changeling can open a doorway through the Gauntlet into the Shadow, allowing himself and up to his Wyrd in additional people to crossover from the Shadow into the real world, or vice verse.
Cost: 3 Glamour, 1 WP
Dice Pool: Occult + Wyrd - Gauntlet
Action: Instant
Catch: The Changeling mimes opening the door with a key soaked in his own blood for at least five minutes. The amount of blood required is equivalent to one lethal health level of damage.

[edit] Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The Door opens, but before the Changeling can step through, a spirit from the other side breaks into the real world.

Failure: The Door fails to open.

Success: The Changeling and up to his Wyrd in additional travelers (all of whom must be Pledged to the Changeling in some fashion) may enter or leave the Shadow through the Door. The Door closes as soon as the last traveler passes through, requiring the Changeling to reopen it when he wants to leave.

Exceptional Success: The Door remains open on both sides until the moon has risen six times. Only the original travelers may pass through the Door, and the Changeling knows if anyone tries to follow without his permission.

[edit] Suggested Modifiers

+1 Attempting to open the Door in a Glade or a Hollow.
-1 Attempting to open the Door in a Shoal.

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