Neomian Games

From Neomia



Neomian Games

This article will list Neomian Games (and events, if listed on the games page during their run) that can be played and enjoyed on Neomia.

NOTE: No links in this article are guaranteed safe. Depending on your current Neomian progress, you may be warned for access. If you've accessed these games/events before, you will not be warned.


Type: Word Game
Players: Two
Rules: Click!
Submit Words: Click!
Description: In Fyora, you play against a second player in a game of words. Each player adds a letter to make up a word (minimum four letters). Each 'win' in the game earns a letter. Letters form the word 'Fyora'. The player who gets a word done, wins a letter. If a player puts a letter that does not form a word (may be due to word not being submitted), the other player wins a letter. The first one to get Fyora, wins.
Other information:
loser.gif - There is an avatar based on the game. Can you find and unlock it?


Type: Action Game
Players: One
Rules: N/A
Description: In Snake, you control the snake, eating small 'blocks' that appear on the screen, in order to grow your tail. If you hit your tail or the four walls, you lose. The game is controlled with the arrows and you are rewarded active points, when the game is over (as many ap's as you got points, although this can be doubled with the Lucky Space Faerie Charm)
Other information:
snake.gif - There is an avatar based on the game. Can you find and unlock it?

Neomian Negg Hunt 2007

Main Article: Negg_Hunt_2007

Type: Hunt
Players: Any Neomian User(s)
Rules: See description
Description: The Neomian Negg Hunt of 2007 was just what the name implies - a hunt for neggs. This site-wide event put players in charge of hiding the neggs and stealing them from others to hide. Players were awarded points every hour if they had neggs at that time (and every 30 mins on the last day) and neggsplosions caused manually or automatically by Admins and Mods, sent the neggs flying to different, random locations on the site.
Other information:
This event ran from April 1st to April 7th. The prize shop was opened on the 7th day of April and offered multiple prizes to buy with the points earned from the hunt - an avatar, a sidebar, normal and better neggs and even a book. A sidebar (not the buyable one) and trophies were also awarded. Each user who participated and got at least one point, earned a trophy for participating. Three users (3rd, 2nd and 1st in the hunt), got an unique trophy: Terry (3rd place), Pekka (2nd place) and Kimmy (1st place).
neggsplosion.gif - This avatar could be bought from the Prize Shop for 10 points.
negghunt_sidebar.gif - This sidebar could be bought from the Prize Shop for 25 points.

Daily Dare

Main Article: Daily Dare

Type: Challenge
Players: Any Neomian User(s)
Rules: See description
Description: The Neomian Daily Dare was a spin-off/sequel of the Neopian Daily Dare. In it, players could take on the challenge of self-appointed Games Master, Pekka or the Yurble Shopkeeper in a series of 20 games (one released each day). Players would play the game on Neopets and send in a Challenge Card to get their scores recorded. This event has now ended and prizes are being awaited.
Other information:
This event ran from April 10th to April 29th with four types of prizes available and which one a user got depended on who they challenged and when they completed the challenge.

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