Neomia Central
From Neomia
Neomia Central | |
Link: | Click! |
World: | # 4 |
Boss: | None |
This is a guide for Neomia Central, made by Pekka. If you are looking for Altador or Virtupets Space Station guides, they can be found on the Neomia Wiki as well. This guide will (hopefully) guide you through some of the steps needed to pass the plot steps of Neomia Central in the world of Neomia.
If you wish to go through the Neomia Central plot steps yourself, we suggest you do not read ahead. Of course, you could only read enough to get you through the plot step you are stuck on.
But be warned, there are possible spoilers ahead.
Now, let us begin the guide...
The Cursed Central
First, you need to get to Neomia Central. In Neomia, go to Map > Neomia Central, or click here.
You find yourself in the strange and cursed, purple-turned world of Neomia Central. Everything is silent and the eerie purple color covers everything around you. You are hoping to get out of this once-happy, now cursed place as soon as possible, but you are not sure what to do. There seems to be nobody around...
Neomia Central is divided into four different sections: The Main Shops, the Neomian Bazaar, the Neomian Plaza and the Market Place. Each of these four sections is related to the plot in some way and have to be visited to advance.

To get through Neomia Central, one must find 6 Bottled Faeries (Air, Water, Dark, Light, Fire, Earth) and use their powers to escape the cursed Neomia Central. But where to find these faeries? 5 of these are in Neomia Central, while one is somewhere else. Where could that be? Perhaps a blue neopet of some kind could help... For the other five, let us start our search in the Main Shops.
Finding the Faeries
There are three places in the Main Shops area, that hold three of the 6 bottled faeries. One of them is 'random', one costs and one requires something else to be done in a different location on Neomia Central. One is in a shop, one is a freebie and one needs to be bid on. These three are not the only things needed to be acquired in the Main Shops area. There is something else to be gained from the 'random' freebie area: A Non-Magical Orange Chia Pop. When this is fed to a Kadoatie in a different part of Neomia Central, something else will activate itself in the Main Shops...
After you have found the 3 faeries, it is time to move on to the Neomian Plaza. There is 1 bottled faerie in this area, but not visible. I wish there would be a place to insert the faerie's name and hope it would appear...
After you have acquired the faerie in Neomian Plaza, it is time to return to the Main Shops and head to the Neomian Bazaar from there. There is NO faerie here, but this is where the plot steps of Neomia Central will be completed. We will return here once the last faerie has been acquired. Go to the 'Market Place'.
Finding the hidden prison
You have now arrived in the Market Place and have almost completed the plot steps of Neomia Central. The final, 5th faerie (6th is outside of Neomia Central) is found here in the Market Place. But how can it be found? Perhaps some magic could help you out slightly. Where could one search?
After you find the final faerie, it is time to return to the Neomian Bazaar to find a hidden location and the completion point of the plot steps of Neomia Central: The Hidden Prison.
The hiding place is in a spot where there is enough space to hide a hidden location. I wonder where?
Once you find the hidden place, you will meet an evil villain, who loves capturing helpless faeries in jars: BALTHAZAR!
The only way to escape Neomia Central and the only way to stop the capturing of these innocent faeries is to use the faeries on something. When you find something in the prison to use them on, do it and you will unlock your next destination: Krawk Island.

Well done! You have completed Neomia Central! Good luck in Krawk Island!