Category:Carnivora sentient species

From Nanya

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Carnivora are generally divided into the suborders Feliformia (cat-like) and Caniformia (dog-like), the latter of which includes the pinnipeds. The pinnipeds are part of a clade, known as the Arctoidea, which also includes the Ursidae (bears) and the superfamily Musteloidea.

[edit] Propagation

Carnivora Sentient Species may propagate within the same order as long as the child is genetically altered but the success is 10%. There is a 80% chance that the child will be sterile. To propagate with another order but within the Mammal kingdom, the success rate of a genetically altered child is 1%. There is a 99% chance that the child of a cross-order relationship will be sterile.

Articles in category "Carnivora sentient species"

The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.



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