Category:2.3 Adventure Points and Levels

From Nanya

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Character Development


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Adventure Points and Levels

Adventure Points

For almost everything the character does, Adventure Points (AP) are given to the character. Adventure Points increase the levels in turn increases the life points and the percentages of the attributes. If the player does not seem to get the grasp of role-playing, the character and the decisions, the character receives no Adventure Points. Yet, if a player does below average compared to what the Spinster considers a typical player, the character gets only a 5% increase in Adventure Points of the total Adventure Points he or she started out with before the mission began. Decisions considered to be an average skill of the player, receives an additional 10% of the previous Adventure Points. The player the Spinster considers to be impressive and who came up with unique decision making receives a 20% increase. When first creating the character the player must roll the d1000 [see 2.2.2 Money to understand the procedure] to give the character points of experience it had before the character was ever controlled by a player (much like previous experience).

A character may lose 1,000 AP if brain-washed, hypnotized, or for every 1% the character becomes insane. Even though the character may become cured, none of the AP will come back. A character that is 2% insane will obviously lose 2,000 AP (but the character can only lose one level at a time). To cure the character from the insanity, the character must go to a psychologist for 5 sessions for each insanity percentage, hypnosis, or brain-wash to become fully healed.


For each amount of AP the character goes up one level. The character cannot receive so much of AP that it goes up two or more levels. The remaining points are not counted and cannot be given to another character.

The number of AP needed to go up each level: 1,000 1st 2,050 2nd 4,150 3rd 8,350 4th 16,750 5th 33,550 6th 67,150 7th 134,350 8th 268,750 9th 535,550 10th

Any level after, double the previous level and add 50 to get the amount of AP needed.

Every time a character goes up one level the character gets a certain amount of points to spend in increasing the percentage of specialties, languages, or attributes. For each level, the player rolls 1d10 and adds to it the number of the level. If the character goes up to level 3, and the player rolls an 8 on the 1d10, the equation will be 8+3 to give the character 11 points to spend.

To increase the percentage of each specialty, language, or attribute a certain rule is applied. If a specialty, language, or attribute has a percentage between 0 to 19%, no extra points is spent to increase as a penalty. For example: A character has 06% on Intelligence and the player has 5 points to spend. The player can increase the Intelligence of the character to 11%.

If one of the SLA (Specialty, Language, and Attributes) has 20% to 29%, two points are spent for each increase.

For example: A character has 16% on Intelligence and the player has 8 points to spend. The player can increase the Intelligence to 19% leaving 5 points to remain (16%+3 points=19%) and increasing to 20% the player must spend 2 points instead of 1 (leaving 3 points left). With 3 points left the player may move Intelligence up to 21% with only 1 point left which may be spent on some other SLA but not on this one.

The 30 to 39% uses 3 points for each 1% and 40 to 49% uses 4 points for each 1% making it for every 1% increase up to 160% (the maximum) harder and harder to get.

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