Category:2.6 Skills

From Nanya

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Character Development


Age, Money, and Gender

Adventure Points and Levels

Attributes and Adjustments

Life Points and Healing


Artistic Expression


This skill encompasses such past-times as drinking, bar-hopping, and chasing members of the opposite sex. It also entails the ability to persuade others in a most striking way. For a target who refuses to be persuaded by the user, the user must roll a Blue on the Effects Chart after already subtracting the target's Psyche percent from the user's Carousing skill. If the result is a 0 or a negative number (-3) the carouser is unable to persuade the target.

Computer Studies

Computer studies deals in the theory of computer operations and computer programming, as well as practice in the use of database systems for informational retrieval. A person must be able to roll a Blue or Yellow on the Effect Chart to be successful with any computer that the character never has worked with before.

Crafts and Arts



Law Status

Mechanical Engineering

Personal Combat

Planetary Climates

Starship Operations

The character can function with a spacecraft well enough to pilot it. For any spacecraft that the character has never piloted before, the player must roll on the Effects Chart a Red, Yellow, or Blue. If the player does not get a successful roll, the player may try again 1d10 rounds later. While creating the character, the player must roll 1d100 for the percentage. This skill will not work if an engine is of any other mechanical design (i.e., car, motorcycle, aerial) and can not be used for paragenetic engineering unless the character has the specialties Biology and Exobiology.

Starship Weaponry

The character can turn on and operate starship weapons. If the character has never worked with the weapon before, the player must successfully roll on the Effect Chart any color but White. The roll is for the character to turn on the weapon. Another roll is needed for operating the weapon. If unsuccessful, the character may try again 1d10 rounds later. When creating the character, the player must roll 1d100 for percentage of this skill.


To begin with, the player must roll 1d100 for percentage. This ability is for the character to sneak into civilian, religious, and military areas without being noticed.

Articles in category "2.6 Skills"

The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.


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