Music Soothes the Savage Beast

From My Wiki

The idea behind Decing is great! It's a slpmie surveying site that allows small groups or businesses to create and conduct anonymous surveys. One thing I really like about this site is that it's not very commercial. Many surveying and poll taking sites are full of adds and are often overwhelming. Decing is very slpmie and self explanatory. This would be great for businesses to conduct a private survey to collect information that may be private or controversial among a group when trying to make decisions. It would also be great in a classroom for the same reasons! Students are often afraid to share their answers because they fear what others may think but a surveying site like Decin allows each student to put in their own input. I really like the concept behind Decing however there are a few things I would change on the site. The colors, banner, and laout are not very inviting or aesthetically appealing. Adding in some color or coordinating the colors between the images and the logo would be helpful and would bring the site together. Changing up the layout of the text would also be a good idea because the large block of print is a little intimidating/uninteresting. Overall, Decing is a great idea that should be reflected in the appearance of the app. Just a few changes and the site could truly reach it's potential!

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