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Legend of the Infinite Empire/Chapter 10

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Chapter Ten

Legend of the Infinite Empire Chapter 10


Isyou, wrapped his arms around the Koopa’s neck, and he twisted. A slight pop, and the Koopa fell to the ground, he turned to his allies and motioned. The three other squad members followed suit, and rushed down the hall. The four traveled quick and silently through the Earthpound, their footsteps not echoing down the hall, they were silent and deadly.

Aboard the Bridge, Valak leader of the Earthpound was not aware of the danger that lurked in his own superweapon. He sifted his hands through his shaven head. And then came and touched his stache. His coat touching the ground, his silver armor beneath his robes as he watched. He watched his men carefully calculate the coordinates to their target. Valak spun on his heels and walked out of the bridge. His metal boots clashing with the tiled floors of the Earthpound. His footstep echoing down the long hallway. His pale skin and gray hair matched his armor, his eyes black like that of a Black hole. His stomach twisted, as his heart beat, he turned around knowing he heard something. But nothing was there. He continued his stroll of the halls. The recent battle playing through his mind, How did the ‘Shroom know about the Earthpound. And more importantly why did he have to launch so soon. The Earthpound’s Projectory Computer would have been able to easily able to target in five minutes. But cause they were no longer on the planet. The coordinates were much harder to crack. And this he despised. His target should have been eliminated, seven minutes ago. Instead he would have to wait 2 Hours at least. He turned around and headed towards the bridge, his palms sweaty and his teeth grinding he slid open the door. His crew still working as fast as possible to get the coordinates for their target. He took his seat and waited, waited for the cannon to fire.

Revan slid open the door, Bean tied to the chair. He smiled and leaned in, “Okay Sysop…tell me the location of your fellow Sysops. And I promise to make this quick.” He sneered.
Bean didn’t answer.
Revan leaned in closer, “Tell me were the Sysops are hiding, or your brother dies…”
Bean looked at him and spat in his face, “I told you once, and I’ll tell you again, I’m no Sysop!”
Revan chuckled, “Don’t lie to me…”
Just then the door slid open behind him, “Sir we just got word from Him”
Revan turned to him and looked back at Bean, “We’ll finish this another day Sysop.”
and with that Revan left the room, Bean was left in a square white room, with nothing, nothing at all. One could lose themselves her, Bean closed her eyes and prayed for the best.

Plumber was angry, “Wayoshi, why won’t you send an attack team to rescue my sister?”
Wayoshi frowned, “Plumber, right now that is not of importance, once Xzelion arrives we’ll dispatch an Attack Team then.”
Plumber shook his head, “She’ll be dead by then!” Plumber frowned and continued, “Come on SPL, 97 we’re going to get my sister back.”
Wayoshi shook his head, “Plumber you can’t stop Revan.”
Plumber laughed, “we’ll see about that.”

Revan slid open the door, to see the shadow of the Prince of Darkness. The two stared at each other.
Revan looked to the ground, “Why have you summoned me?”
The Prince’s voice creaked, his voice sounded like that of thunder. “Do not murder her yet, the Hero of Time and Space shall attempt to rescue her. Then, kill them all in one swift move!”
Revan nodded, “Fine.”

Isyou ducked underneath the blazing blaster bolt. He then came up and body slammed the soldier into the ground. He cocked back up and tossed two knifes into another soldier. They ran and came across a room; it split into three different hallways. Isyou rubbed his face, “3d, and Max2 head left, Aipom, go down the middle, I’ll go right.”
They split up not knowing what was in their future.

3dejong and Max2 walked down the halls. Enjoying small talk and little enemy resistance. They turned around the corner and saw something frightening, Inverted forms of them. The inverted 3d spoke “I am 2dejong”
Then inverted Max2 spoke, “And I am Max3”
Max2 and 3dejong backed up, their palms sweaty. Max3 leaped and met Max2 head on. While 3dejong and 2dejong leaped to attack each other. The Dejongs meet in the air with a crackle. 3dejong pulled out his hammer and swung at 2d, 2d pulled out a hammer of his own. And the two hammers shattered on contact. 3dejong jumped back and stared at 2dejong. Meanwhile Max2 and Max3 bounce around, there diceheads colliding, and Max3 stared at Max2, “Fool I will destroy you!”
Max2 returned the goad, “Heh, you know how many times I’ve heard that?”
Max3 laughed, “Not enough I presume.”
Max2 leaped in the air and came down hard on Max3. The two diceheads leaped back and entered combat again.

Aipom strolled down the halls, his face set in a nationwide grin. Then he was confronted by something similar to him; Ambipom. The two pokemon stared each other down. Ambipom leaped at Aipom. Aipom withdrew and dodged that attack. Aipom then leaped and the wall, Ambipom did so too, the Ambipom chased Aipom down the halls and into a room, Aipom was corenered. He backed into the corner and leaped in the air, he bounced off the wall and atacked Ambipom. The two stared each other down and leaped to combat each other once again.

Isyou walked down the hall, and came up behind a soldier, he grabbed him around the neck and squezed. The slodier slipped to the ground and out of Isyou’s hands. Isyou turned and saw someone, a weird and odd looking bandit, the bandit.
The bandit laughed.
Isyou stepped back and said “Valak”
Valak laughed again, “Hahahahahaha”
Isyou stepped back, and then leaped his fist coming down on Valak’s face. Valak shuttered in pain, “Isyou, Isyou, Fool!”
Valak wiped out a sword and slashed Isyou acrossed the chest. Isyou cried in pain. Valak leaped in the air his blade barely missing Isyou. Isyou leaped back and unsheated a knife. The two charged at each other.

Revan watched from the top of the hill, his sword in hand as he slayed the last two prisoneers when he heard something behind him. “Ah, So you’ve come for your sister?”
Plumber laughed, “Prepare to fall fool!”
Revan unsheated his sword, and with his left hand pulled out a smalled blade; A Shoto. Revan moved in a protective stance as the trio of plumbers charged at him. Revan smiled, “Solomons Ridge, olny one of us will survive this battle.” Loosened his grip on his shoto, “And it will be me.”
Revan charged at the plumbers as they did do too…

Venom watched from his battleship, his two companions strolled in, “Sir we will reach the enemy base in 5 Minutes. Venom nodded, “Good, good”
The second companion chimmed in, “All fighters are preparing to launch.”
Venom smiled, “This ‘Shroom Army will never know what hit them.”

HK and Xzelion alongside with Omega Squad fastened in, their decent was rough and dangerous. Dropping into a hot zone like this. Xzelion fastened his helm and smiled, “We’re dropping into an enemy hot zone, stay on your toes.” Xzelion commanded.
YoshiFan smiled, “Guys, beware of their traps.”
YY398 and Parayoshi nodded. The cruiser landed and the five of them rushed out. As expecter heavy resistence awaited them. YoshiFan blasted an enemy Trooper in the left arm. YY398 opene fire as well, while PY provided cover fire. HK vanished, in no doubt using his Sysop powers. Xzelion lhid behind two large crates and opened fire. The smoke from the current fire fight filled the skies.

To be continued…

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