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Legend of the Infinite Empire/Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

Legend of the Infinite Empire

Comic 2

In the shadows, Isyou, the famed bandit stood waiting, when the screen flickered to life, the black screen and molten yellow eyes glared seemingly straight at Isyou; but nothing frightened Isyou. Isyou had built quite a good reputation. He was also known as the “Grim Death Burglar the 2nd”. Some knew him as the “Shadow in the corner, The Whisper in your ear”. Many feared the Bandit, many feared that he would strike unseen, unheard. The screen finally broke the silence, “Isyou, Drybones has betrayed us, defeat him, along with all of our enemies.” Isyou smiled, “I expect the pay is good.” The screen replied, “Yes, more than you know Isyou, more than you know…” Isyou nodded, “Then I shall begin immediately.” The screen faded, and Isyou turned and left the room.

Mario97 still carried Plumber through the Dark Forest. Legend stated a large band of ghosts were exiled into the Dark Forest never to return to there home. SPL was shivering. Mario97 knew it was not because it was cold; SPL had a certain…dislike for ghosts. SPL turned every step he had to stop and scan for ghosts, which were not there. Mario97 never really knew why SPL was afraid, he turned, “Hey SPL…Bro, Why are you so afraid of ghosts?” Hesitantly, SPL took a deep breath, “I don’t know they’re just so…so scary.” Mario97 nodded, “You know in order to find this Ghost Jam, and you must conqueror this fear.” SPL shook his head in hesitation, “No…no I don’t think I can” Mario97 sighed, “SPL you must.” SPL shook his head once again, “No I don’t…don’t think that’s possible.” Max2 laughed, “I’m not afraid of a ghost!”

Drybones trekked through the marsh, his feet wet, and his stomach crying for food. He knew that the Prince of Darkness would eventually find him. But he knew just the person to help him exact that revenge, Drybones swallowed his pride and turned right, towards the Boo Manor.

Isyou was hot on the trail of the Big Brute, Drybones. He followed the large footsteps, as well as a few marks showing Drybones had recently sat down. He ran a few scenarios through his mind. The Dry Bowser could either hide for the rest of his life, or seek out help, which would only come from the Trio of Plumbers and the dice head. He turned and followed the footsteps to the Boo Manor.

SPL and Mario97, as well as the injured Plumber, were almost to the Boo Manor. But then, out of the shadows and trees Boos appeared; each one striking fear into the heart of SPL. “RUN!” SPL screamed at the top of his lungs. SPL then fled into the nearby marsh, but Mario97 stood his ground. Max2 hid behind Mario97’s buff body. A Boo at the head of the group rose to face him eye to eye. Mario97 stared back at the ghost’s eyes. The ghost backed down, the entire army of ghosts disappeared. Mario97 walked up to the Manor Door. And with the gentlest touch the large wooden doors slid open. Super Mario97 screamed, “Ghost Jam! Where are you?” A voice replied “Defeat me in a challenge of riddles and only then shall my face be shown.” Max2 smiled, “Super M97 this is where I’m good, I’ll handle this.” Max2 steeped forward, he said confidently “Alright Ghost, let’s do this!”

SPL was running, running like never before. He stopped and turned, but no one was behind him. Max2, Super M97, and Plumber had probably been eaten by the ghosts. He took a seat by a Weeping Willow; the tree’s roots were huge. He found a nice little spot and sat down. The ghosts had just frightened him. He turned around, and saw a purple furry creature standing there smiling. SPL freaked out was beginning to run when the creature spoke, “Why are you afraid?” SPL stopped turned around and sat down, “I…I…don’t…know.” The creature nodded and took a seat next to him, “My name is Aipom, I’ve watched you, why are you frightened by ghosts that attacked?” SPL nodded, “I left my brother, and he’s probably dead!” Aipom shook his head in disbelief, “SPL there’s time, Let me help you conquer your fears.” SPL laughed, “That’s not possibly.” Aipom smiled, “No SPL it’s not put other first, they could be dying this moment. Conquer your fears.” SPL nodded, “If you can help….Then let’s do this.” Aipom grinned, “SPL close your eyes.” SPL did so, and Aipom continued, “Put your brother first and put your fear behind you.” SPL’s eyes were shut so tight, just then he had a vision. Ghosts everywhere, his allies defeated. Him alone. A fear of being alone SPL could barely hear Aipom’s soft voice. “Save your brother Super Paper Luigi. Help him; put him first…and put your fear behind you.” SPL fought…he fought the battle in his mind until each and every ghost was crying in pain. Aipom’s voice was crisp, clean, “and at last awaken…Super Paper Luigi.” SPL opened his eyes and low be hold a ghost stood challenge him. SPL held his ground and whacked the ghost in the side. The ghost went flying. SPL could feel Aipom put his hand his shoulder. Aipom said, “Well done SPL now go save your friends.” SPL smiled, “Yes, Aipom…and thank you.” Aipom nodded, “I’m coming with you…” SPL couldn’t be happier. The two turned and ran towards Boo Manor.

“Chicken!” Max2’s voice echoed down the hallway. “Yes, yes it is chicken,” the hallow voice replied. Max2 smiled, “how much chains can a chain chomp chomp? The hallow voice, took a deep breath, “none…chain chomps can’t chomp chains.” The voice then said, “I’m always behind you, following you, you never see me, or hear me…I am everywhere even when the sun shines the brightest.” Max2 smiled “that’s easy a shadow! He proclaimed. The hallow voice said, “correct.” Max2 said, “Time to end this.” He smiled, and continued, “One boat is headed toward Rogueport, each boat housing three men. Each man owns a boat, each of those boats carries five men, each of the five men have seven bunnies. How many bunnies are headed toward Rogueport?” The voice, confusedly replied, “Thirty-six?” Max2 shook his head, “none” The voice realizing he was defeated showed his face. Ghost Jam, was white a white flying Shy Guy, his only weapon a large scythe. Mario97 stood next to him, “Can you heal Plumber?” Ghost Jam placed his hand of Plumber’s head, “Yes, yes I can.” The entire room lit up, Max2 make note of the thousands of thousands of ghosts. Ghost Jam started chanting, in a language Mario97 did not know. But it worked Plumber jumped to life, “Its-a-me-Plumber!” he exclaimed. Mario97 smiled, Ghost Jam nodded, and the entire place became dark once again. Ghost Jam spoke, “Plumber you must drink this to be fully healed.” Ghost Jam handed Plumber a bowl of purple and pink soup. Plumber drank some it was disgusting it wasn’t hot, it was cold, and tasted too sweet. Plumber drank it all, “Ugh what was that?” Plumber asked. Ghost Jan smiled, “Jelly Soup.”

Isyou watched through the lens of the binoculars, Ghost Manor was large, perhaps thousand of Ghosts. He had assembled the Battalion that the Prince of Darkness gave him control of. He was about even with Ghosts’ army. But he had a weapon no ghost could withstand. He ran his hand over a small grenade not bigger than a super bob-omb. “Thank You E .Gadd, the Ghosts will never know what hit them.” Isyou smiled. He turned to his commander, “Begin the assault.”

Ghost Jams’ personal body guards, Yoshi626 and theGreatBolckBoo or other was known as GBB. Unlike most ghosts these ghosts were tough. Mario97 and Plumber had explained it all to Ghost Jam, Ghost Jam was packing his thinks to head to the ancient grove. While Mario97, Plumber, and Max2 were first going to look for SPL. When a small grenade rolled in, “GRENADE!” shouted Max2. The grenade exploded sending green shock waves through the house, every single boo in the house fell to and through the ground. All that was left Yoshi626, Max2, Ghost Jam, Plumber, and Mario97 alone against an army. Isyou stepped forward, “Surrender Sysop I have you surrounded.” Ghost Jam shook his head, “Never!” Isyou smiled, “Get them!” His army launched forward and attacked the survivors.

SPL and Aipom ran towards the Boo Manor to a huge battle raging. Aipom lifted his right hand up and formed a fist, urging SPL to stop, SPL did so. Aipom kept him voice quiet. “There’s no way we can help them now.” SPL nodded, “I know a way, if legend is true. We have quite good army.” SPL turned and ran towards the Dark Forest. Aipom followed him.

SPL and Aipom reached it, a large citadel, known as the Forgotten Resting Place. SPL shouted,”Boos show yourself to me!” A million boos appeared, a Big Boo in the front, SPL presumed him to be leader. The Big Boo replied, “Why have you disturbed our resting place?” SPL chuckled, “Because your Boo friends need your help.” The Big Boo laughed, “They are not our friends they banished us to here. They cast us aside, away from our home the Boo Manor.” SPL frowned, “And you wish to live there once again?” The Big Boo smiled, “Yes.” SPL nodded, “Then is shall be done, come to their aid and I promise you, you shall live there again.” The Big Boo smiled, “All right boys, let’s do this!” The Big Boo introduced himself as Big Tom, as he described it they were banished for trying to rebel against Ghost Jam. As well retreating in the midst of one battle leaving Ghost Jam and 300 boos to fend off an entire Koopa Troop attack force. SPL knew Ghost Jam would never take them back. But maybe just maybe.

Drybones had given up all hope of finding those who had defeated him before. He laid down the soft mud; he closed his eyes and drifted into his dreams.

Yoshi626 and GBB were back-to-back, separated from the rest of the group. They fought valiantly, although they were vastly out numbered, they still had a fighting chance. Yoshi626 heard something, a horn, he looked to the Dark Forest and low and behold, the Banished Boos, were there led by a Green and White fellow at the front. Also a purple creature and the leader of the Banished Boos, Big Tom stood there. The billions of Boos swooped down tossing Isyou’s Troops around. The entire Banished Boo Army was tearing apart Isyou’s forces. The battle shifted.

The battle was well over with, Isyou was missing, and the entire invasion force was routed. Big Tom, SPL and Ghost Jam stood in a circle. “You promised him what?!?” screamed Ghost Jam, “you promised him forgiveness?!” SPL nodded, “He came to your aid and saved you, he did what he had no courage to do before. “ Ghost nodded, “Then Big Tom you and your boos can live here again”

Drybones woke up, a large blankets was settled upon him, the sweet smell of bacon. He opened his eyes; there was a Toad, his hair golden and spiked up. The toad smiled, “So you’re awake.” Drybones nodded, “Who are you and where am I?” The toad smiled, “My name is Ultimatetoad, and this is my house, I found you in my front yard, a lot strange things been happening today. Why are you here anyway?” Drybones answered, “I’m trying to the find someone who can help me, and they’re a trio of Plumbers.” Ultimatetoad nodded, “Help you are seeking?” Drybones smiled, “Yes, yes it is.” The Toad smiled, “Let me help you get that help.” Drybones laughed, “Why, why are you so nice?” Ultimatetoad replied, “It’s what I do.” Ultimatetoad put on his coat and tossed Drybones a coat, “Let’s go!” the toad said.

Ghost Jam watched as the trio of Plumbers, Max2, and Aipom left. He turned to Yoshi626 and GBB, “Go, follow them keep them safe. We must ensure the safety of our world.” Ghost Jam said with a nod. The two boos turned invisible and left to follow Plumber’s team.

Plumber had gladly accepted the help of the two boos. Ghost Jam had given them the Location of Sir Grodus, the fourth sysop. Plumber stopped, SPL looked and saw Isyou standing there. Plumber pulled out his baseball bat, SPL followed suit. Plumber looked at Isyou, “What do you want?” Isyou smiled, “I can help you…”

Will Drybones find our heroes?

What secrets await Plumber and his friends?

Will They Accept Isyou's help?

Find out next time…

To be continued….

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