The Valkyrie

From Mutantsandniz


[edit] Stats

Power Level/PP: 10/150
Str 20/30, Dex 16, Con 20/30, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 18
Toughness: +10
Fort: +10 Ref: +5 Will: +6
Skills: Acrobatics 2, Bluff 1, Concentration 2, Diplomacy 1, Handle Animal 1, Intimidate 6, Knowledge (history) 3, Notice 4, Perform (dance) 1, Ride 1, Sense Motive 2
Feats: Power Attack, Attractive, Fearless
Powers: Enhanced Strength 10, Enhanced Constitution 10, Flight 1 (subtle 1), Super-Strength 1
Immortal Qualities [Container, Permanent +0, Innate; Immunity 12 (Aging, Life Support, Starvation and Thirst, Need for Sleep), Regeneration 7 (bruised, injured, staggered, disabled - 1 each; True Resurrection 3; Persistent, Regrowth), Comprehend 3 (speak, read, understand all)]
Combat: Attack +10, Damage +10, Defense +10, Initiative +3, Knockback -5, Grapple +20

Abilities 38, Saves 7, Skills 6, Feats 3, Powers 56, Combat 40

[edit] Description

  • Gender: Female
  • Age: Lost count
  • Height: 6'0"
  • Weight: 160lbs
  • Eyes: Gold
  • Hair: Blonde

[edit] Notes

[edit] Complications

Doesn't know much about modern society. It kind of freaks her out right now.
Prone to occassional impulsiveness when bored or curious. Immortality and all.

[edit] Regeneration

  • Bruised 1 turn
  • Injured 20 minutes
  • Staggered 20 minutes
  • Disabled 5 hours
  • Dead 5 hours

[edit] Languages

Though she can effectively speak, read and understand any language... exposure to new languages usually take her a few minutes to adapt to. Once she learns the new language, she has access to it forever.

[edit] Background

The Valkyrie, or at least that's what she was last known as, is an immortal being. She has existed since the dawn of civilization and perhaps before. When she grows tired of the world, she sleeps for centuries, rising when disturbed. In each new age she changes her identity or look to fit what is expected. She sees no reason to force change on a society she will outlive.

Recently, sleeping in the gold and silver armor [1] and helmet [2] of her norse identity , she was found by scientists. After being safely transported back to the states, the researchers mad efforts to study this "amazingly preserved specimen". The moment a blade touched her skin, she snapped awake and nearly crushed the neck of the doctor attempting to get a peek under her skin.

After a few minutes of confusion, as she yelled at the scientists in the old norse tongue, the Valkyrie adapted to modern english and has come to understand that many things have changed since she went to sleep. The differences and advancements are quite startling to her.

Though the term "Valkyrie" seems acceptable to this new people and new world, her attire was outdated. Modern gods seem to favor darker clothing, often of leather or some artificial material [3]. The Goddesses seem to favor tighter [4] and more revealing [5] garb as well, so the Valkyrie has adapted her look to match.

Her power has waned since she went to sleep, but she seeks to recover quickly. Not that she fears being at a weaker state, as she is still immortal.

She has been active in: the old Norse times, ancient Greece, Rome, Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, and others.

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