MUME Quests and Solutions

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There are a lot of quests in MUME. Some of them can be solved by level 1 chars; some designed for legends only. For solving some of them you will gain a little bit of exp and gold (or maybe some item too), others give you a very important herblore or some other knowledge. Anyways, here is some info which (I hope) will help you to gain some knowledge about these quests and also some hints for solving them...

Most quests in MUME are level-dependant, i.e. the higher level you are, the more complicated the quest is. Thats why when experienced players start a new character, they solve all quests where they need to "find some items and bring em to ..." during their first few levels. Or ask their labfriends to help them


In most cases all you have to do is ask the mob about 'herblore' to get a herblore quest.


Aldereon's quest

(any level)


Elven village n of Road to Grey Havens.


Aldereon will ask you to deliver letters (around 5 for level 1 to more than 15 for high legend) to his friends. The higher your level is, the farther away you will have to travel to meet the mobs. Better to do this quest at the level one: then Aldereon will ask you to visit just two mobs - librarian and priest in Forlond. Legends very often are forced to travel to Rivendell... Other recipients for his letters are: Old Wise Hobbit (not far east from Aldereon, but you have to swim across a small lake), various guildmasters in most cities, and - main problem! - various hermits who live in most noone-ever- goes-here places in Arda. GH hermit lives 1 zone w from Aldereon (some mudlled exits though), Shire hermit - some w and n from Mishel Delving, Fornost one - 10s 3e d 2s from gates, road to Tharbad - from Bree s gate max s, e, max s, e until no exit s, then max e, open bush.


walking herblore, 200 exp per your level for each mail.

Nordri quest

(any level)


Upper level of the Blue Mountains dwarven city.


"Find and bring". Ask Nordri about "herblore", then he will yack for a while. When he says "blah blah price." say "price" and then nod when Nordri asks if you agree (make sure you are visible). Listen to him, write down what he wants and go collect the items. Lowlevels can find required items/weapons/ herbs around BM or even inside city - just ask some dwarf to check private dwarven shops inside. Legends can be asked for a crystal from Willow, topaz from Mormaeg, golden nugget or jade bracelet from Moria, or even shining piece!


soothing-draught herblore, 300 exp per your level for each item.

Vig's quest

(dwarf only, up to level 20 at least)


Bottom level of dwarven city, w of stairs.


Vig the Smelter sometimes runs out of logs for his fire. When he does, he will ask people who come into his shop if they're willing to go out and get him some wood. Assuming that you agree to do so, you should go get an axe, and then go out into the Dense Forest just east of the Dwarf Homes (from "End of the Worn Trail", s 3e). Wander around the Dense Forest, and eventually you will find a "majestic looking tree" (it will be clear, when you see it, that this is the tree, not just one of the innumerable trees in the forest). In case this tree is chopped already, or simply not popped - there are two other such trees, one s 2w 6s 4e 4s from the same place, and also somewhere n of river, like s 3e 2n 5e. Chop it down, get the wood, bring it back to Vig, and collect the reward money. Just a small warning: the Dense Forest is a maze (i.e. if you go east from tree, then west, there's no guarantee that you'll wind up where you started). If you need to get out of it in a hurry, spam north/west and type 'exits' after each step - to see where the exit out to the trail is (works during theday only though). In this forest pop 3 huge black wolves, so it's kinda dangerous for low level characters.


15 silver, ??? exp

Giant's quest

(any level) It's nice to know how to cook delicious bannocks for any player who doesn't have 'create food' spell. Bannocks will fill you for the whole day (same as lembas wafer), but it will cost almost nothing for you to make them. To gain bannock's recipe you must find the lonely giant and solve his quest.


I know five places where giant repops in The Shire: one room N from Michel Delving fountain; E from Green Dragon in Hobbiton; N from marketplace in Dwaling; in Rushey; at "slight depression" (up from the fox hole). I heard also rumours that he pops at NW from Wittforrows and in Hills of Scary. If you can't find the giant - ask any mage to locate him ('locate life' spell). He doesn't always load. Quest: One more "find and bring". You must find a LOT of herbs and other things and bring them to him. He frequently asks for:

  • EGG
  • SAGE

Try to find all these things, but if you can't find such rare herbs as foxtail, ginseng, and comfrey, don't worry. Maybe he won't ask you for it. Do not crush the plants: sometimes he asks for leaves/flowers, sometimes for plant itself. When you find the giant, comfort him. Nod after he asks you if you want to help him, and he will start following you; you need to be VISIBLE for it. Give him honeycomb, listen carefully what he wants and give him herbs. You have a very short time to solve his quest - 40-48 MUME hours, so all herbs must already be in your backpack - except things that are always available in GH herbalist shop (CINNAMON, CLOVES, VANILLA). You can run to GH with giant, but he can become moveless if you have nice link and spam fast - in such case leave him in some safe place (just flee from him), and return with herbs. After giving him all that he wants, ride him and he takes you to his house near Michel Delving and be happy listening to him. Btw, this quest is as level-dependant as others - so if you find him at level 1-5, he will teach you how to cook bannocks just for the honeycomb! Legends can be asked for ginseng, comfrey and foxtail -each of these herbs load just in ONE place on Arda, so almost impossible to find them without knowing where they pop... And also small hint: all components for bannocks can be found either in/around elven village on the road to GH (eggs - in the hawk's nest), or in Bree - honey and flour in bakery, eggs in bazaar.


Baker herblore, 1000 exp.

Shopkeeper's quest

(level 1-4)


Hobbiton, 2e s from central.


Shopkeeper will ask you to find his daughter as soon as you enter his shop - if your level is appropriate, and if no one did this quest just before you :) Daughter is usually located somewhere in Shire, I know four locations: 2e open branches s 4e n w from A Spring in hills of Scary, 7w 6n 5e open door e from Brandywine Bridge, some down from MD and some south/east from Bwb. Just enter her room and she will start following you. Lead her to her father, but don't forget that you may not cast even bob even when on this quest and daughter became exhausted ;)

Added location:

Tuckborough, downstairs in the Great Smial's wine cellar.


FGC, 1000 exp, 1 gold.

Trapper's quest

(low/mid level - sure won't work for hero+)


All n, all w, all n, e, n, w from Forlond gates


Trapper will offer his quest only if you sell him enough pelts or furs (if he's out of money, buy some pelts from him and sell back ;)), and if noble stag loaded. Then he will start talking about old times - just wait and nod when he asks you if you agree. After you are on the quest, go and kill the noble stag - e n w n w 2n 3w s are his 6 rooms. You are not forced to kill him yourself, you are even allowed to not have him on trophy - just ask some highbie friend to help you ;) Butcher corpse, bring antlers to trapper and give it to him. You can solve this quest max 2 times - second time you need to give (not sell!) him like 10+ furs/pelts (if you lose or hide ;) bow).


Yew longbow, quiver with 12 ash arrows.

Bree smith's quest

(level 4-9)


Bree, Weapon shop


You will be asked to find and bring "valuable" rusted dagger - just enter shop at the proper level. This dagger is held by the chief of the ruffians, Scarred, under the bark in forest some n of Bree (see Maps for more exact info). Kill him (or just ask some friend to kill him) and bring dagger to smith. You can not start quest after 9 level, but if you did it before and leveled since that, smith still gives the reward if you bring him the dagger. Or, if you bring dagger to smith without being on quest (if you do this quest second time and/or after level 9), smith gives you as reward stone and gold only.


Whetstone, 2 gold, 2000 exp.

Shire citizenship quest

(any level)


Michel Delving, secretary


Only hobbits who prayed to Shire on creation can gain citizenship here for free. Others must kill great wolf from Shire wolfpack and bring his fur to secretary in order to receive citizenship. Wolfpack repops each winter in Dwaling in Shire, once per winter. Usually it consists of 4 pack leaders (great black wolves) and 18 grey/black/huge black/starving ones. Each who needs citizenship needs his own silvery fur and also needs to have great black wolf in trophy. Great wolves are strong enough - I even have seen legends die to them. Though, mage with stored quakes or cleric with buffer and good fear can do wolfpack easily.


Shire citizenship, 2 gold.

Dunadan Ranger quest

(hero level+)


Near Weathertop (from Nen-I-Sul bridge: 6w, 2n, open culvert, e)


Ranger will teach his lore to well travelled and good aligned persons ("sent to Arda" is enough, "firm believer" doesn't fit) when they complete his given task. The task involves three objects that must be brought to the ranger. The items may be different for each person, the following items are known as possible quest items.

White fur from the Huge White Bear in the southern Misty Mountains. A claw from a Cavern-wing in Moria (actually any Cavern-wing will do). Though, only leader of cavern-wings is butcherable, and they don't always load claw. The heart of the Ice-Demon in the northern Misty Mountains. A sickly green mushroom.

You must find these items ALONE (means: no same side player should group with you while you gather these items). When you pick up an item in question, you should NOT be grouped, and you should NOT be following anyone (players can be in zone though). I am still not sure if it is ok for another person to kill the mobs for you and let you butcher (under conditions above). You need 54k tps to start the quest at lev26. On higher levels amount of tps can be approximated by formula 2.5k*level. It isn't real formula, though - but it works until lev33. If you fail the quest (i.e. Ranger is dissatisfied with the way you got the items), your slate is wiped clean in about a RL month. Sickly mushrooms once decayed on me in 15 minutes (but usually can lie in your backpack for days rl), icy heart decays in around 2 RL hours or so. Lastly, if you have the last item for the quest, and you walk into Ranger's room with another person and give ranger the item. He won't give you the quest ("I will not speak of this in front of other people" - or smth similar). You have to show up alone and ask ranger herblore to finally get it and complete the quest.


Travelling herblore.

Dagnir's ghost's quest

(any level?)


Lothlorien, 3n 1-2e from marshes


Ghost is visible at night only. When you approach him, he starts talking. Nod when he asks if you want to listen him, and listen. After he finishes, go to marshes and let the mud suck you into a small cave (message looks like a bog timed dt - but it isn't dt). There in the cave live 4 mottled snakes and 2 new mobs - subterranean lizards. They have decent ob and awareness, but sucky defence - just take them one-by- one. In random room of caves lies a skeleton - loot it. To get out you need to kill both lizards and drag their corpses to the central room - you can only climb up stepping on the lizard corpses (mottled corpses don't fit). Walk back to ghost and give him medallion from skeleton. Listen to him until his trapped soul goes free, then try to pick up the medallion. It will crumble and reveal a jade-encrusted key. Go east, open hatch, down, unlock/open archeddoor, 2 south, open curtain, west and loot eket, amethyst and softly glowing green cup. When you drink cup, you are affected by +10 maxmana, maybe it increases regen too (for like MUME day).


Eket, amethyst, softly glowing green cup.

Nagash's quest

(orcs only, any level?)


Vale of Anduin, sw corner of sw zone; needed 30 str to open door down


Nagash will ask you to bring him a silver goblet. It loads on the spectre in a tomb in the ne corner of the Vale. Spectre calls up to 4 undeads to help him if attacked, so beware. It's pointless to kill soldiers before spectre: it will just summon new ones. After it dies, the empty goblet falls to the ground - bring it to Nagash. He will sacrifice twins and fill the goblet with blood.


Goblet of blood, if quaffed affects you by Blood of Sauron (+2 STR)

Ost-in-Edhil quest

(anyone, any level)


Eregion, s from Hollin at cliffs


Both darkies and whities can solve this quest, thus I will write solutions for both sides. Whities get the quest from Elrond, darkies from the BN sage: ask them about 'Ost-in-Edhil' (not case-sensitive). You can ask them in any language, but Elrond doesn't understand Westron well, as well as Sage doesn't speak Orkish. So, if you speak Sindarin/Morbeth well, ask in these languages. They will start to talk if no one is solving this quest at the same time (if they don't it means someone is solving it already, just wait a bit), and then they will give you a key. Then go to the castle in Ost-in-Edhil and find the tower in the center of it. Beware: there are tons of different dts in the area - eastern part of zone is 6 instant dts; near are 3 times ones (slowly drag you to the east - and there instant dts kill you); vines trap you and slowly kill (considered dtdeath though) - but you can kill vines of course, like hero level needed; n and e from the mother eagle on the top of tower are dts too (noflee, as usual). At the bottom of tower there is door which can be opened with amethyst: type 'put amethyst inset'. To get it back later, indeed, 'get amethyst inset'. Wait till door opens and proceed n. You can get gem back (as both close and open are delayed), but then you will be trapped inside - so be sure that you know how to do monsters/get away via underwater. Here starts a noport area. In the center of this hidden square is one more instant dt. Somewhere in this area loads hidden main quest item - Book of Kormanole (just try reveal in each room). There are 2 excavators in this area, and they will ask you to give them book: don't - they are minions of Saruman. If you give them book, they will reward you with whole 2 gold, give you 'treasure map' leading to dt, and disappear (no way to track, kill and get book back). Kill them instead, they load Cardolan+russet+aged flask (useless, but can be sold). They shoot/flee after attacked, so just stay in room after they flee, and spam search q/nuke. Then the quest divides into two parts: either bring the book and the key to Elrond or Sage and get your reward (from Elrond - silver-leaf brooch; from sage - around 20 gold), or claim the book and forge a ring. If you decide to forge, in the northern part of the square is the entrance to the underground part. There live several bats and 4 scaled guardians. These mobs instafollow, call eachother, instahit, choose random targets and can instaheal themselves for like 1/3 hps. So: at least 1 buffer and 2 nukers need to kill them. Guardians can't follow further north than 2s from entrance, and also to Gem/Gless/etc -works (max w and max e rooms), so rest there after each one is killed. First buffer enters, guardians hit him, then casters enter, nuke one dead and leave n, then only buffer flees. Have swim off while doing guardians, otherwise you can flee into water (central room); 2n from it is instant dt, and as one who flees from guardians will spam n to reach safe room, it can ends in dt here. Though, if someone dies here, corpse will be recoverable: current will drag it southwards, away from dt. Before you fight, unfollow everyone in case you flee. You don't want to meet up after flee and lead each other onto the collapsing bridges. After you kill first, go 2e one by one - otherwise bridge will collapse under your feet, throwing you into current below. Kill second guardian (now safe room ne from it), get full, then someone must lure guardians from the central room - nuke them dead too. Then find golden band (in each room in this area - random too), it is sometimes hidden, sometimes just lies on the ground. The level is symmetrical here:





! is where you enter = is collapsing bridge S are safe rooms

  • are Coruscate Hall

+ are rooms with a single guardian @ has 2 guardians and the dt to north.

Central room is start of noboat current. 2n from this room is dt; some s/d (follow current) - underwater room where in the skeleton loads hammer which helps to fix your armour (even fine/shining!) as whetstone fixes weapons. All swim on. One (not leader) must wear harness (on chain in room 1w from central). He must enter central room and open silverpanel. It is delayed door in room with current, but harness will keep him there while he opens door. When door is open, remove harness, narrate for others to come, and quickly go d. Wait till water goes away and metaldoor opens, then go 2w to noldor statues. Btw, you cant remove harness while fighting, and cant flee either - so dont wear it while mobs alive, and try not be caught by opposite side players ;) You can not forge ring by your own choose. At the one time one ring can be forged only; which one exactly is written in the book. Ring must be forged from the band and some gem. There are five types of jewelled rings. Book can give you a hint - which ring can be created on current repop: it's colour of gem. Red glow goes for ruby, maroon for garnet, hard and rare blue for topaz, fiery blue for opal and deep green for emerald. These rings are considered powerrings, and can not be worn at the same time as old powerrings (ruby/iron/ copper). Btw, don't be scared by Elrond's/Sage's words that reading book can be harmful ;) Still no one died while reading it. To forge ring rest full, and try pass statues. The higher your will, the higher chance you have (no alignment involved though). If you fail - just rest full and try again (more chance to pass with full stats). Noldor can pass statues without any problems; Unqalome bracelets can help non-noldor to pass, rumours that Elrond's brooch does the same are groundless. If you are neither Noldo, nor know Unqa zone to get bracelet, get dispeller here: statues are not alive (not mobs but items, in MUME terms), they don't block entrance themselves - their magic does. With no dispeller, just try to walk in (sometimes takes hour rl or more). Once you are in, wield band, hold gem (or vise versa) and 'forge ring'. Forging a ring is a delayed action. If you are interrupted while doing it, or you interrupt it yourself, the ring and the gem disintegrate. If you have a wound that bleeds on a tick, it will interrupt forging also. Thus make sure you don't have ANY kinds of wounds (it is rare, but has happens that unbound light wound becomes deep). In that place, it just doesn't pay to be spammy. Once you leave zone all mobs repop straight away. Its nice xp to go round in circles ;) Some more notes: Only the person who read the book can forge. The knowledge decays so you can only do it for a limited (random) period of time after. Don't know how long exactly but sometimes 2 rl days is too long, and sometimes rl week is ok... To use cross-pein hammer you must make a camp fire, hold hammer, remove armour then 'use hammer <armour>'. It seems you can mend most things to 'brand new' but thick/heavy metal and ring/chain mail can only be repaired to 'used'.

There is complete list of "gem - effect". red ruby- manaregen +4, affects you by 'lethargy' when you remove it (slows manaregen and -10 attack spell) topaz - +2str once per day, affects you by 'tiredness' when you remove it (1.5x slower moveregen for 4 ticks) garnet- cure critic 3x per day, affects you by 'hagardness' when you remove it (-5 ob) opal- scouting ring (allows you search adjacent rooms for enemies, blinds you at beginnings of next 6 ticks when you remove it); to use it - 'look <dir>' emerald - remove poison, affects you by 1-2 random poisons when you remove it (unless you save - thus orcs can get no poison at all)


Brooch from Elrond, gold from Sage, or jewelled ring.

Blackened spear quest

(anyone, any level)

Locations of quest items

Vale of Anduin, Moria worms place


To create blackened spear you need 3 components: spearhead, black staff from Nagash and mithril piece from Moria. Spearhead loads in Vale area too: from ford e n open cassion d open mossboard d e 2n w reveal skeleton - and it pops inside skeleton (quite rarely though). If it's not popped - check goblin corpse near water serpents - even more rarely it pops there. Then bring it to Angdil as whitie, or to Grachalg as darkie, keep all 3 pieces in inventory and type "mend spearhead".


blackened spear.

Narv quest

(whitie only, level 1-20)


Vale of Anduin Quest: pretty easy one. Find Narv (large and old Beorning), he lives in three -room house some west from Mirkwood. Listen to him and accept his quest - find assassin who killed his wife, revenge for her death and return her ring to Narv. Vairr the Assassin pops in zone n from Narv, but he can wander anywhere in Vale. Locate him if you are mage, or spend some time tracking otherwise. Vairr isn't aggressive until you attack him, but after that he starts stab/ fleeing, so beware. On low hps (low wounded) he starts hiding as well. Kill him and bring azure ring to Narv - he gives you jade amulet for it in most cases; but sometimes (pretty rarely) he can give a letter - bring it to citizen mob in Ingrove and receive citizenship.


jade amulet (worth 5 gold) or Ingrove citizenship.

Hombur mill

(whitie only, any level) // Credits to Stuart, p(Leila)


Vale of Anduin Quest: go to mill and go nw about three rooms to soakedfeet. Pick the door down and go down all e. East of you is hidden door (backwall) pick this open and go east and pick up the broken cogwheel. Rattler in this room too so be careful if you are lowlev. Now you need to get this cog mended. In the room ws of the cog is a note from Rob Sandyman saying his family are leaving the mill and going west, so follow in his footsteps and go visit his brother Ted who runs the mill in the Shire. (Ted's mill is just north of threefarthings stone) When you enter Ted will look at the cog and offer to mend it. Give him the cog and then leave the room. Return and Ted will ignore you and pretend he never offered to help you. "ask ted cogwheel" and he'll demand you go and pay his bar bill at the Green Dragon inn. Go wsesesw and enter the Green Dragon. "ask barman pay bill" and he will take 5 gold from you. Return to Ted and he'll grudgingly give you the mended cog. Now run all the way back to the mill. In the wheel room (1 down in the mill) "insert cog mechanism". Now you see that the shaft turns a bit but the waterflow to the water wheel is blocked. Run to inwood and buy a shovel from the armoury and get a flask of oil while you are there. Return to the mill and go to the wheel room. Wield the shovel and "clean waterway". Now the channel is clear but still no water is flowing so go to the source of the problem, the calm reservior 1w 1n of the mill. Here it looks like teh boulders are the problem but they are just a red herring, "exa pool" and you will see a load of gravel is blocking the flow. "dig gravel" and you will clear it out. Now return to the mill and you will see the water wheel is turning but still the shaft is stuck. "exa shaft" and you see that it's rusty and jammed. To fix it you need three people. Person one has to stand in the top room and when ready "push grindstone". Person two goes to the wheel room and does "turn shaft". Both of these commands must be done roughly the same time so I suggest that person three stands in the top room and yells 3, 2, 1, go. When both 1 and 2 are pushing/turning the rust will begin to flake off the shaft. While they are still pushing and turning person three must "pour oil hole" this will grease the shaft and the grindstone will turn freely now. Quest done? Well not quite, the mill now works but what on earth do you use it for... People, it's over to you.

Hag's quest

(whitie only, newbie level) // Credits to p(Rohik)


Vale of Anduin


old Hag (herbalist shop) asks every newbie around to bring her powder of black antlers (if deer corpse loaded and quest isn't solved by someone else). Go from outside of Beorn's home: s 2e n e s open thickstems w - there loads deer corpse with antlers in it. With antlers in inventory approach baker in Honburg - he asks you for honey from beekeeper, go to him and 'ask beekeeper honey'. He asks you to kill queen bee, it lives nearby. Kill it (can be hard for newbie), bring it's corpse to beekeeper and give him corpse. Now he says he sends some honey to baker. Return to baker, listen to him, and THEN ONLY give him antlers. Bring blackened burned powder to Hag and receive a skin with 'love potion'.


3000 exp and love potion - not very useful (if at all), but still pretty funny!

Elven scout quest

(elves and half-elves only, any (?) level)


from ABR thornbushes s max e s w, call or pick/open hillside


Upon entering their hidden camp, they may start talking - nod when they ask if you are willing to help, and they will give you a letter. Take this letter to Elrond, who will reward you.


5k exp and either 5 gold, or 2 gold + miruvor.


(both sides, any level) // First done by p(Kenzu), but // text written by p(Belamir)


new ABR


To start this it, kill Brolg the Orkish Shaman, who resides in the tower on the Ancient Broken Road. Word of warning: when he gets to bad, he will flee and recall away. You can find him w s 3w s 2w 2n open rockface 2e n from outside the tower door. When he is here, he will summon up to two dark wraiths if you give him a chance. Kill him, and loot his belt pouch and his orkish battle-standard. Loot the tarnished silver key from the belt pouch, and take the orkish battle-standard to Erestor in Rivendell. Erestor will ask for the battle-standard - give it to him, and listen to what he has to say. He will give you the quest. Now, go to the hidden 'tombstone', which is w s w 3s 6e s from outside the tower door. Down from here is a nasty room - in it live two stone statues, a stone beast, a glowing spirit, and two dark wraiths. Kill them all. To the north is a secret exit: 'pillars', and behind it are a ghost and another glowing spirit. Kill them, and the quest is completed. Use the tarnished silver key from Brolg to unlock and open the chest in the main room, and loot it. Note: to enter the tomb you need the person on quest ("keeper of knowledge bestowed by Erestor"), bless and good align. Without it you will get some muddled damage and be returned to the room up from the 'tombstone'. As darkie give standart to another shaman who lives in 'canyon' 5s 3e from thornbushes instead. Revard is unknown to me still.


3 gold, metal wall shield, skeleton - in the chest. In the skeleton is a metal set (heavy greaves, thick boots, the rest regular metal), a gem-inlaid knife, two gold rings, and a silvery crown.

Small Elven Bag

The treasure of some long dead elves are lost in the southern vale of Anduin. Seek for their remains and find the means to recover their treasure.


Southern Anduin Vale. East of the river.


Find two skeletons in underground caverns. One is guarded by a fearsome tentacled beast and the other is in a secret nest of snakes. Recover a letter and a metal leaf from the skeletons. Bring both to Ecthelion in Lorien and give them to him. He will mend the leaf for you. You must then take the leaf to a cavern inside a waterfall near where the skeletons were found and place the leaf in an inset in the wall. A secret chamber will open to the elven stash.


Some gold and a Small Elven Bag. The bag provides an endless supply of food and water.



Secret flet on the western edge of Lorien near the river.


When you enter, Tethel may ask you if you are headed West. If she does and you agree with her, then she will tell you of unfortunate elf who met a grisly end nearby. The dead elf was carrying a tome to Rivendell. You must seek it in the Redhorn Pass where it loads hidden. I'm not sure but I think it randomly loads in any room of the pass. If you reveal the tome and take it to Quenaire in Rivendell, you will be rewarded.


Some lembas wafers, possibly some miruvor, and a letter of introduction to the elves of Lorien. If you take the letter back to Tethel, you will be granted limited access to Lorien.

Kral the Zaugurz Scout

This quest is for Zorcs only. Great climb is a must when doing this quest.


To start this quest find Kral the Zaugurz Scout in the Grey Spider cavern in the Mountains of Mirkwood. Sneak past, or kill, the spiders travelling eastwards and upwards. You will find a watery room with a very hard climb exit down. Climb down and go north to find Kral. Note: if you fail you will take a hefty amount of falling damage and fall through a one-way into the bottom of the spider cavern.


Kral will tell you to kill Vurgl, the Orkish Captain and bring back his head. Vurgl loads in an orkish cave north of the Old Forest Road in the western portion of Mirkwood. Kill him, butcher him, and bring his head back to Kral.


Kral will teach you Healing herblore.

Gwathion, the Fallen Messenger


To start this quest find The Enchanted River, Gulduin, in the Mountains of Mirkwood. It's along the western edge of the zone behind a secret exit with a randomly changing name. If you see brown stags you are close and if you see white stags you are very close.


Drink from the river. You will fall asleep and be unable to awake. This effect will last for a LONG time (perhaps 24-48 ticks). During this time you will have many visions about the surrounding area which include both interesting flavor and useful game information. If you are lucky, you will get visions of an elf named Gwathion. Gwathion was sent as a messenger from Mirkwood to Lorien. But, he did not make it. Somewhere along the way, our hero met a gruesome death. The visions will tell you where he traveled, what dangers he faced, and what finally killed him. It's all very interesting and well written. The visions will also tell you where his belongings ended up. Using your extensive knowledge of Mirkwood and the Vale of Anduin, go to the location where Gwathion's gear ended up. Type "reveal satchel" in the room where you expect to find it. You may need to kill some mobs there to get the timed command to finish, but I've had sneakers perform this revelation without killing all mobs present.


Gwathion's gear. (Nimble Blade, Silvan Satchel, some herbs, and occasionally some awesome semi-artifact boots. There may be more that loads infrequently. If you find something interesting and unexpected, please add it to the list here.

Hrivesur's Key

You will need the unworked piece of mithral from Moria to complete this quest. You will also need a silver-leaf brooch. You may want to get them before you start this quest as there is running clock. Also note that moonlight is required in order to open the dwarven tomb at the end of the quest. So you will want to wait to attempt this quest if there is no visible moon in the current time of year.

WARNING: The dwarven tomb is VERY hard. Multiple whole groups have gone in and mob-ripped without being able to recover their equipment. Proceed carefully and at your own risk.


To start this quest find Hrivesur the Sinda in the GH zones SW of Harlond. Hrivesur is in a room behind a locked exit up.


Say hello to him. He will talk to you a bit and tell you to ask his brother about Doriath.

Go ask his brother. His brother is the chieftain of the village to the south east. His brother will talk to you a bit but tell you to bring you a silver-leaf brooch before he finishes his story. To get the brooch you need to retrieve the OIE book for Elrond without reading it.

The chieftain will then send you back to Hrivesur. Ask Hrivesur "dwarves". Hrivesur will tell you a long story about dwarven refugees and a key he is keeping for their heirs. He will ask if you want it. If you say yes, he will ask you for a piece of mithral for Moria. Once you give it to him, he will give you the dark, silvery stone.


A dark, silvery stone. It is a key to the dwarven tombs at the eroded peak along the eastern edge of this zone.

Ragged Hobbit Prisoner


The hobbit is in the slave pen in the troll warrens. You need VERY high strength or bash/break to get to him.


When you enter the cell, the ragged hobbit should start asking you for help. You may need to beckon it to follow or say yes when it asks if you intend to free it. Eventually it will follow you. Once you lead it out of the warrens and dark forest, it will ask to to take it to it's village. It's from the stoor village south of OER between brush and windswept. Take it there.


The hobbit will reward you will some junk from it's home. I got 5 gold, and amethyst, a pie, and a fishing rod. Not sure if there is a random element to this reward however.

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