
From Ms Paint Brawl

Madgamer was a character created by, and used by, user Madvideogamer.His main weapons are a Portal Device, from thePortal game by Valve.



Madgamer was originally created on NG for the thread 'Help, I'm on a cliff!' All he had was a tail and fox ears. After it was soft locked, Madvideogamer continued on the general.

After a while, a thread popped up, it was named 'Super MS Paint Brawl!' Madvideogamer went to check what was in it. He remembered what his character in the Wegra thread looked like, so he used that design.

He was changed a bit by taking off the fox ears and tail and replaced by his favorite gun, the Portal gun. He entered brawl on about page 36.


He can not just only fire portals, but pick up objects and toss them.

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