From Monsterbook
This being appears almost human, but with reddish, reptilian-looking skin and cloven feet that identifies it's infernal origin. From beneath it's fine robes unfurls an impossibly long, pointed tail.
Malyx (CR 23)
- Always E medium outsider (evil, extraplanar, overfiend)
- Init +4; Senses tremorsense 60 ft., true seeing; Listen, Spot
- Languages: abyssal, celestial, draconic, infernal (telepathy)
- AC 32, touch 19, flat-footed 27; dodge, mobility
- (+4 Dex, +5 natural, +8 armor, +5 deflection) improved uncanny dodge
- hp 190 (20 HD); DR 15/epic and good, vampiric aura
- Immune: fire, electricity, paralysis, petrification, poison
- Resist acid 20, cold 20; SR 30)
- Fort +17, Ref +16, Will +22
- Speed 30 ft.
- Melee unholy tail +30/+25/+20/+15 (2d6+12, plus stun DC 27)
- Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft., 30 ft. with tail)
- Base Atk +20; Grp +24, +40 with tail
- Atk Options combat expertise, spring attack, whirlwind attack
- Special Actions
- Combat Gear +8 bracers of armor, +5 robe of protection
- Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20)
- At will--dimension door, greater shout, greater teleport
- 3/day--horrid wilting, insanity, plane shift, power word blind, power word stun
- 1/day--implosion, power word kill, wail of the banshee
Contingent--spell turning (when targeted by spell)
- Abilities Str 19 (35), Dex 19, Con 20, Int 29, Wis 31, Cha 32
- SQ outsider traits, overfiend traits
- Feats combat expertise, combat reflexes, dodge, improved trip, mobility, spring attack, whirlwind attack
- Skills
- Possessions +8 bracers of armor, +5 robe of protection
- Advancement 21-25 HD (medium, huge tail), 26-30 HD (medium, gargantuan tail)
Vampiric Aura (Su): Any living being within 30 ft. of a malyx at the end of it's turn receives 1d3 points of permanent constitution drain. The malyx heals 5 hp for every point of Con drained from an opponent. There is no save against the aura although a death ward will prevent the drain.
Unholy Tail (Ex): A malyx has a powerful tail, drastically oversized for it's body. It has a reach of 30 ft. and attacks from it are treated as if from a huge creature (giving it a +16 Strength bonus, and a +8 bonus to grappling and trip attacks). Any creature struck by a malyx's unholy tail attack must make a Fort save (DC 27) or be stunned for 1 round. The save DC is strength based.
Strategies and Tactics
Sample Encounters
- Environment
- Typical Physical Characteristics (height, weight)
- Alignment
Knowledge (type)
DC Result