Characters Up-For-Grabs
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Unwanted Characters gather here...
For anyone who has a character who has been discontinued before their time, this is the place to bring them back to life. Those of the MoC variety who have more then the usual share of back story are welcome here as well.
To put a character up for grabs, just fill out the following template and either edit into this page or in the topic
Name: Adonis
Race/Species: Dark Hunter (though that's pretty poor clarification)
Gender: Male
Appearance: The only bit that doesn't change regulary is his head; Rahkshi-esque with a great huna on the back worn like a helmet. He changes his "armour" a lot.
Like this, lol
Affiliation: Dark Hunters, on and off.
Abilities/Powers: Fire. Usage of it is fairly restricted to offensive uses, though he does that wuite well. Darkness is an optional power, as he doesn't personally like to use it himself so I leave it to the writer to decide on whether he/she includes it.
Weapon(s)/Equipment: Thin sword, rapier-esque. Sometimes a conventional ranged weapon, such as a pistol or rifle.
Personality: Well spoken with a filthy mouth, an upper-class "English" accent, he is arrogant and unpredictable. Adonis is primarily a Dark Hunter and advertises himself as such, however the sharing of all payment thing the Dark Hunters have going is usually ignored by him causing him a lot of trouble. He dislikes money though, and prefers to be paid in things he can use, such as weapons or people. He never seems to have them for long, the theory is that he has a huge stash of loot somewhere that he likes to keep nice. The same goes for the people, though it's more likley that they're dead than being "kept nice".
Bio/Backstory: Origin unknown (though you're very welcome to do one, to the extent I would love you forever if you did). A fairly experienced 'Hunter and as such has done his fair share of crimes; his experiences are not limited to that however, he calls himself a "part-time Toa". As such he has a large ego and is a fairly versatile character, suited to being both a villain and a hero.