Hewitt admits defeat on doctors' job fiasco

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Hewitt admits defeat on doctors' job fiasco

By Graeme Wilson, Political Correspondent Last Updated: 2:18am BST 16/05/2007

Patricia Hewitt, the Health Secretary, faced humiliation last night after being forced to jettison the controversial online job application system for junior doctors. After months of growing chaos, Miss Hewitt said that doctors applying for jobs under the next round of the recruitment process will not have to use the Department of Health's discredited computer system.

Instead, they will be asked to revert to the traditional practice of writing directly and submitting CVs to the hospitals in which they want to work. The decision follows furious protests from the medical profession and comes as doctors launch a legal action against ministers today by seeking a judicial review of the way thousands of applications have been handled over the past few months. The climbdown also leaves Miss Hewitt's political future in tatters, with growing speculation at Westminster last night that she will be one of the biggest casualties in Gordon Brown's first Cabinet reshuffle. The crisis was triggered when up to 30,000 junior doctors were left chasing just 22,000 posts, leaving 8,000 or more facing the prospect of being left without a job. advertisement A bad situation was exacerbated by endemic problems with the online application system, which meant junior doctors with a long list of qualifications on their CVs could not even get an interview. The Daily Telegraph received emails and letters from young doctors who had spent years in training only to find they could not find any work in the NHS. Many parents also wrote to condemn the debacle. They included people such as Dr Faith Harries, who graduated from medical school with a £42,000 debt but said she is considering moving abroad to find a post. Others said their dreams of a career in medicine had been "crushed," while highly experienced consultants voiced anger at how their junior colleagues were being treated. Miss Hewitt last night rejected calls for her resignation. During a hesitant performance on Channel Four News she insisted she wanted to stay on to sort out the problems that have crippled the recruitment system. The Medical Training Application Service website hit the headlines when The Daily Telegraph revealed how hundreds of doctors were not even being offered interviews. Ministers were forced to close down the MTAS website after serious security breaches allowed journalists to access confidential details about applicants. A group of leading consultants warned yesterday that patients could see their operations cancelled as a result of the delays in recruiting junior doctors. Miss Hewitt slipped out her announcement in a written ministerial statement rather than coming to the House of Commons where she could have been cross-examined by MPs. In her statement, she said: "Given the continuing concerns of junior doctors about MTAS, the system will not be used for matching candidates to training posts, but will continue to be used for national monitoring." She added that intensive security checks had been made of the website and the MTAS computer system, allowing it to reopen partially. A report was being sent to the police and Miss Hewitt admitted that "criminal offences may have been committed". She said interviews arranged under the first round of applications would finish in the next few weeks with offers of jobs being made next month. Junior doctors would revert to the traditional system of applying directly to hospitals for the second round of applications from those who have still not found a post. Miss Hewitt's comments came as Remedy UK, which represents grassroots doctors, confirmed it will launch a judicial review of the recruitment process at the Royal Courts of Justice in London today. Dr Andrew Rowland, vice-chairman of the British Medical Association's junior doctors committee, welcomed Miss Hewitt's climbdown but said the BMA did not support legal moves by Remedy UK to ensure that interviews that have already taken place should be written off. "This would be disastrous for doctors, for patients, and for the NHS," he argued.

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