BOTA letter to Sir B Ribeiro

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Mr Bernard Ribeiro


The Royal College of Surgeons of England

35-43 Lincoln's Inn Fields



21st March 2007

Dear President,

Further to my letter of the 5th of March I write to you to call for a complete withdrawal from the MTAS system of recruitment into run through training, for the current time.

There has obviously been much chaos over the last few weeks with condemnation of the system from juniors and consultants alike. This has resulted from widespread unfairness across the system and excellent trainees being left without the opportunity for interview. The original round one run was so fundamentally flawed that an immediate rethink was called for. We have continued to try to support the system and await the outcome of the review panels decisions on taking the current round, and future rounds, of applications forwards. We appreciate that the panel are trying to make the best of this situation by suggesting solutions however these are papering over cracks that are far too large, the damage has already been done. We cannot continue with a system that will have created such differing standards within the same round of selection let alone between the first two rounds. The review group must be given enough time to undertake the review appropriately and thoroughly enough to create a system that those applying to it and appointing from it will have complete confidence in, and w believe this cannot be done appropriately alongside the ongoing process. It has become more apparent that the current appointments process is so fatally flawed it will leave it open to challenge from many trainees and there is a good chance that any legal challenges would be successful. This would further throw the system into chaos, and lead to a lack of confidence from the profession and the public alike. For the future standards of medical training, our professionalism and patient safety we believe that we should return to the old system of deanery appointments at least until the MTAS system can be represented and validated as a fair and suitable method of selection of best trainees of the future. It is with great regret that we have come to this position, but it seems that the implementation of run through training in its proposed form under MMC would also have to be delayed because of this, as MTAS was such a fundamental foundation of the ethos and process. We would still be happy to support the system once the review group has reached its recommendations, the colleges, deans and trainees and consultants have had sufficient time to consult, creating a system which is fit for its intended purpose and implemented on a level and transparent playing field.

We look forward to your response.

Mr Craig White President BOTA

CC. Mr Prof. Neil Douglas, President, Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh

Mr John Orr, President, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh

Mr Brian Wlliams, President Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow

Mr Alan Crockard, National Director Modernising Medical Careers

Prof Elizabeth Paice, Chair, COPMED.

Dr Jo Hilbourne, Chair, JDC

Mr Connor Marron, President ASiT

Rt Hon Patricia Hewitt

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