RCP position on MTAS/MMC 17 march 07

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17 March 07

RCP position on MTAS/MMC

On the day of the Remedy UK march through London from the Royal College of Physicians to the Royal College of Surgeons, Professor Ian Gilmore, President of the Royal College of Physicians, said:

"The plight of junior doctors caught up in the MTAS selection system into specialist training has caused the greatest outpouring of anger and genuine sadness in the profession that we can remember, and it is not just from trainees but consultants as well. Our Fellows and Members share these sentiments.

We believe that it is the direct result of taking statutory responsibility for training the next generation of junior doctors away from the Royal Colleges, who had been doing so to a high standard for many years, and giving it to an arms-length body. The result has been the rushed introduction of new poorly-tested competency-based systems that fail to acknowledge the achievements of young doctors and which consultants believe will fail to select out the best young specialists of the future, to the detriment of patient care.

The Royal College of Physicians supports modernising training and has worked with government on ‘Modernising Medical Careers' to make it fit for purpose, but our concerns about elements of both the training schemes and the selection process have not been fully recognised and acted on."

Journalists: For further information on any story, please contact Linda Cuthbertson, Press and PR Manager on 020 7935 1174 ext.254 or e-mail Linda.Cuthbertson@rcplondon.ac.uk.

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