Daily Telegraph 2 March-10 March

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02 March 07 Shameful betrayal of a generation of doctors

02 March 07 Doctors' training system 'a shambles'

02 March 07 Medical notes: Depression, little hope of cure

03 March 07 Doctors chaos 'is worst crisis to hit NHS'

06 March 07 Top surgeons risk their jobs to defy 'flawed' interview system

06 March 07 We, the undersigned, 136 of the consultants at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital,..(letter)

07 March 07 Climb-down over junior doctor fiasco

08 March 07 Doctors furious over 'arrogance' of ministers

09 March 07 Growing boycott of 'flawed' recruitment

09 March 07 Fears for patients (letters) - link to correction

10 March 07 Hewitt U-turn over junior doctors

10 March 07 We're training doctors for Australia

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