Andrew Lansley

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08 March 07

Thank you for writing to inform me about the problems concerning Modernising Medical Careers. It is appalling that it has taken such a shambles before the Government will admit the need for a serious review of what is being done to medical training. None of these concerns are new. The initial issues were evident in relation to the number of training places available; as you know, the two year foundation scheme finishes at the same time as the training course for senior house officers from the previous training route, creating an unprecedented demand for places. I alerted the Government to this in December 2005 and was assured by the Health Secretary that she was working on a resolution (Hansard, 20 December 2005). A year later, Lord Warner offered further empty assurances, when he said, “Doctors in training in England should consequently be pretty confident about securing a training post”. (Department of Health press release, 13 December 2006). But it is clear from your letter and the many others I have received that junior doctors have been abysmally let down.

In addition to concern about the number of training places, we have received hundreds of letters complaining about the new electronic application system, MTAS. Technical failures mean that many applications were not received, confidential data was open to alteration by unauthorised persons and wrong appointments issued for interviews, wasting both application time and that of consultant scrutinisers. We wrote to the Health Secretary seeking a review and we have repeatedly sought opportunities to put questions to Ministers in Parliament but they have refused. Ministers have not, of course, come to the House to make a statement and answer questions; that is unfortunately all too typical.

We welcome the Government’s last minute acceptance of the case for a review. The review must now be rapid. It must be independent and not constrained by the Department of Health. It must consider whether additional training places should be provided; it should explore whether enhanced evidence of the experience, achievements and references of applicants can be considered; and it must allow for thousands of junior doctors who have not received first round interviews to be considered afresh in the second round in April.

We will continue to hold the Government to account for the failures manifested in Modernising Medical Careers. It is not about political posturing – the Conservatives will work with the Government wherever possible to enable junior doctors to pursue their vocation in medicine in this country. This evening, I am meeting representatives from BMA Junior Doctors Committee to discuss a way forward and hope to meet many junior doctors at the ‘white coat’ rally on 17 March in London.

I wish you all the best. Please keep me informed of your progress and about any other issues of concern.

Andrew Lansley CBE MP

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