Talk:Main Page
From Mariopedia
Out of curiosity I wacethd the entire Smile' film. (16.5 minutes is normally too long for me to watch a Youtube clip). It made me smile (well actually I found myself grinning e0 la mode de Stephen King's clown); and I almost cried at the end because the film had a happy ending. And afterwards I read your Smile' article, which was enlightening.The first word I learnt to say when I emigratd to Spain was naturally Hola ; the reason being that everyone here says it all of the time. It took some getting used to having complete total strangers saying hello to me, even if just passing me by in the street, never to see me ever again. I now say Hola at least 30 times a day from the minute I leave the house to everyone I see; 99% respond back. Of course it's difficult not to say Hola without also giving a smile.
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Thinking about this a bit more it appears that some kind of back chnnael is required to inform others in the federation to sign or not. For example, what if I'm held hostage for a few days getting the passphrase beaten out of me. I can offer up a plausible deniability passphrase that releases some low value funds, but alerts others that I've been compromised so they stop confirming. However, this alerts the thieves and that's the end of me. Sep 8 '11 at 12:29
[edit] kewKHdnRdA
Hi Kylie!I will try to get a list to you! I loved using books as the core of my teaching, too. It's an ecxellent method, I think. It becomes imperative to find ecxellent books, though, right? My friend, Bonnie, was and is a wonderful resource for me, and we have our own lists, and collections. So, I'll get back to you on this. I didn't start with picture books, though, so I'll ask Bonnie about that (she has a collection of over 20,000 books:)Blessings,Wendy