No Feelings Whatsoever: Dimension of No Return

From Mako Wiki


§ Tsuna Haru-Saku
§ Yumumaki Unazuki
§ Aino Poku
§ Kusanagi Motoki
§ Yumumaki Tiida
§ Kiata Narusegawa

There are more characters, but names have failed to reach Makoto at this time.


Following the destruction of the WF Plant, it seems that all is well and good. Haru-Saku gets an exclusive invitation to join the BRSTC, a militia dedicated to creating an elite sparring force. Without completely informing Motoki of the situation, she decides to go, and yet, has no idea what lies in wait for her.

Something terrible, something awful is lurking on militia grounds. It causes rivalry and illogical reverting to the primal instincts of the human brain. It is Haru-Saku's, Poku's, and Unazuki's obligation to discover the source of this evil and put a stop to it.

Other Notes

Like No Feelings Whatsoever, Makoto highly doubts that this will be revised or ever shown to the public. It's not that it was written badly (although it was pretty bad). She just doesn't have access to them.

Story Link Not Available

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