The College
From Majordeltapedia
Valetown College is the fictional college which Jack J. Grant and Alex F. Finstine attend in Valetown, upon reaching Valetown and getting a grant from Terry, whom was already a wealthy owner of a corner store in Little Cupertino, and who was also attending Valetown college. the campus is seperated into four houses, which are ironically divided by political position; Republican, Liberal, Tolitarian and Mixed. Out of these:
%58.63 Tolitarian
%22.22 Republican
%12.97 Liberal
%6.18 Mixed
However, Terry, and the others have made their own underground dorm complex which siphons off all four's electricity. despite looking like the slums of the entire college, they are the most powerful and infulential, possess the largest cable, internet and electricity bills, and consume over 5,600 kgs of Witchcraft Dinner a month. It is not long before the two boys, insttead of going to the registration desk, jump in the nearest well (of which there are many around the university, what The Well's website touts as "Hop'n'go! 6 or more bones broken, and we'll build a well in your name!") and have a college life of textbook and instant meals.
Each campus building has at least one resturaunt inside (except for The Well, which has wall-embedded microwaves), a phone in each dorm (in The Well, unless you buy one and sacrifice your internet, you use payphones.) and bathrooms (buckets are free in The Well. The slums of the well are also "Free2Pee" zones.).
The slums in the well are basically unfloored -- damp and dirty, with masses of puddles and nary a tent is site, except for the more popular areas, like WOW 77, which is a tent-based market where everyone acts like Arabians and you can buy a rocket launcher, or The Mark-et, where the local college mafias war, and even the stores aren't safe. however, each store is backed by at least one mafia, and they have a stash of about five to thirty foot soldiers each. The shopkeeper also has handguns, mace, and sometimes rocket launchers on them. As said, The College is a place of power and control. In one planned episode, it is said that Jack and Alex establish their own mafia deep in the South Slums, and find themselves rarely attacked because of the vantage pount they have.
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[edit] Additional InformationSee The Well's website. |