Richard Landis

From Lynnesheets

Name: Richard Landis
Concept: evil bastard
Association: Solitaire (+1 to Tasks involving one Art)
Character Type: Greater Gifted
Image Song: Liar, Emilie Autumn

[edit] liar;

Strength: 2
Dexterity: 3
Constitution: 2
Intelligence: 4
Perception: 4
Willpower: 5

Attractiveness x 3
Charisma x 3
Photographic Memory
Increased Essence Pool x 5
Artistic Talent: Acting
Contacts x 2
Resources x 2

Cruel (3)
Obsession (2)
Covetous: Ambitious (3)
Secret (3)
Adversary (3)
Impaired Senses (1, sight)

Running: Marathon
Dodge: 3
Guns (handguns) 3
Humanities: Psychology 6
Occult Knowledge (Special) 2
Notice: 5
Seduction 3
Smooth Talking: 5
Acting: 3
Research/Investigation 1

Mindrule (Art 4, Strength 4)
Lesser Illusion 3
Insight 2
Elemental Air 3
Greater Illusion 2
Shielding 2
Affect the Psyche 3

Life Points: 26
Endurance Points: 32
Essence: 65
Speed: 10

[edit] Notes

  • o hay it's Jalide. Hissssss.
  • Yes, he's aware that his brother's cat is a High Bast. Is currently trying to think of what to do about The Cat That Came Back (Almost) The Very Next Day. D:
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