20 Random Facts About Kynthia

From Lynnesheets

  • 1. The only person she will tolerate being carried by is Arik.
  • 2. She's gotten used to sleeping lightly or only dozing before Arik comes back to their hotel room in the early morning. At least three times a week, the Ogre will call from jail and she has to go bail him out, after a bar fight.
  • 3. She has enough Wrath to be Summer Court, except that she's not good enough to make the cut, at least physically. However, considering her choice of traveling companions, that's very likely to change: if nothing else, she's going to get a lot of practice running in.
  • 4. In the meantime, she is Spring Court, and rather dissatisfied. She really only agrees with the part of their philosophy that says that their lives aren't over, and that they will make a new life for themselves. She hangs out far more with the Summer Court, and it is ironic that her deeper connection with the Summer Court makes it so she can use their contracts more effectively then the contracts of her own court.
  • 5. No one, not even Arik, has ever seen Kynthia truly angry.
  • 6. She's not interested in dating right now, and likely won't be for a long time-and if she did date, she'd look for something not clingy and not mushy, because she's had more then enough clingy romance to last her for the next ten lifetimes.
  • 7. She was raised Roman Catholic, and even before she was taken, she was starting to lose her faith. At the moment, she's between faiths: "still searching" for something to believe in. She's definitely no atheist, though.
  • 8. Kynthia went to Mass once, soon after she returned only to find that it had been ten years and that she was supposedly dead, at her old church, simply to watch her parents from afar, see them once more. Her father didn't take Holy Communion, and it broke her heart listening to her parents talk after Mass: he hadn't taken Communion since she disappeared, because he was angry at God.
  • 9. One of her worst tendencies is that she can be clingy (subtly), possessive (again subtly), and jealous. She nearly set her Hedgeborn plushfrog on a Flowering Fairest in a bar in Baltimore, after she spent three hours watching the girl hit on Arik. If the girl hadn't stopped when she did, it would have been on.
  • 10. She hasn't any idea how to define her relationship with Arik: she has a vague idea that they're something more then best friends, but definitely less then lovers, and she's not about to ask him what he thinks.
  • 11. Kynthia has the worst direction sense ever: Arik is the one who takes care of any navigation, and she just follows him. Part of the reason she made a Contract with Summer, the Fleeting contract that affects rage, was so that she could use the Baleful Sense clause to easily locate Arik. He was usually the biggest source of rage around, after all.
  • 12. While she has a habit of smacking people upside the head if they particularly annoy her, Kynthia has taken to hitting Arik with her bag, after she broke her hand on his rock-skin trying to smack him.
  • 13. Kynthia likes wearing long, ankle-length skirts: she rarely, if ever, wears pants, never mind the practicality issues with wearing skirts all the time.
  • 14. She did briefly consider the idea of attempting to find more living plushfrogs from the Hedge: sadly, she dropped the idea as being impractical, especially since Arik wasn't quite as enthused as she was.
  • 15. Kynthia is surprisingly bloodthirsty when it comes to those who hurt those she loves: she can, perhaps, eventually forgive people who hurt her, though it may take a while as she holds grudges, but those who hurt her friends and loved ones will never, ever, ever earn her forgiveness, but instead, her undying wrath.
  • 16. She's very much NOT a morning person. Arik has learned to not talk to her in the morning until she's had her morning shower: hot water is really the only thing that wakes her up, other then maybe Mountain Dew. A combination of the both is best, however.
  • 17. She feels the most guilty about the fact that when she fled her Keeper, she left the other girl behind and did not even try to bring her out. She didn't feel guilty until a few months after she was back.
  • 18. She hates the fact that she's dependent on Arik financially: not only does she feel like a kept woman, she also thinks it's unfair of her to contribute nothing to their rather strange household. She's looking into possibly trying to get some of her stories published once she manages to get herself a new identity.
  • 19. Kynthia hates wearing rings. She wears multiple (if slender and tasteful) necklaces, three or so, but wears no rings. She hates the way they feel on her hands, and she has a habit of losing them.
  • 20. Somehow, though she swears fairly often, it always manages to be a surprise to those who hear her.
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