From Lunos
Creature statistics:
Creature is the general term for any entity that does not require a character sheet. This means primarily animals, but also includes things like carnivorous plants, celestial beings, and automatons. All creatures have the following statistics: Body, Size, Agility (also used for Reflexes and Athletics), Combat (no sub-skill penalties, a creature’s natural weapons are considered to add two damage), Perception (also used for Awareness, unless noted otherwise the creature has 2 in each sub-skill), and Cunning (used for both Intelligence and Wits), all of which are treated the same way as the equivalent character abilities. Movement rates are calculated based on Agility, if a sub-skill in not listed assume the creature has no points in it. Creatures also have a statistic called Rating, which is used to determine their equivalence to characters. Each point of rating is approximately equivalent to 50 experience. To determine a creature’s rating, add all of its other statistics together and divide by 4, rounding down. Add positive size modifiers twice. Sub-skills do not factor in to this equation. There are also a variety of special qualities that can modify the Rating calculation:
Dexterous: +1 – the creature possesses one or more appendages capable of fine manipulation. It may use its Agility as a Dexterity score as well.
Poisonous: +1 if size 0 or larger, otherwise do not subtract size from the Rating calculation – the creature possesses a serious venom, capable of severely impairing victims.
Armored: +1 – The creature gains the benefit (but not penalties) of +2 armor.
Weaponry: +1 – The creature’s usual form of attack deals wounding damage.
Camouflaged: +2 – the creature blends in well with its surroundings or particularly good at remaining unnoticed, it receives two automatic successes on Agility rolls to remain unnoticed.
Attractive: +2 – the creature possesses some quality that endears it humans, such as being cute or having a particularly nice song. It may use its Cunning to attempt social rolls.
Animals (which also include any plant that requires statistics) come in three varieties: wild, domesticated, pet. Domesticated animals are any animals raised outside of the wild, they are vulnerable to the Influence spell and their actions can be predicted by Timesense. Pets are any animal that has been given a name and/or specific identity by a non-Extra. They possess souls of their own, and are thus not vulnerable to the above spells. They also tend to have higher Cunning scores than a standard example of their species. Wild animals similarly invulnerable to the listed spells, because they are an extension of Savara. All animals gain two automatic successes on any Survival roll.
Example animals:
Cougar – Body: 4, Size: 0, Agility: 4, Combat: 4, Perception: 3, Cunning: 2, Rating: 5, Other: Run 3, Climb 2, Swim 1, Weaponry, Camouflaged
Elephant – Body: 4, Size: 4, Agility: 2, Combat: 1, Perception: 2, Cunning: 3, Rating: 5, Other: Run 2, Swim 1
Mouse – Body : 2, Size: -4, Agility: 4, Combat: 2, Perception: 4, Cunning: 2, Rating: 2, Other: Run 3, Swim 1, Climb 2, Weaponry
Eagle – Body: 3, Size: -2, Agility: 4, Combat: 3, Perception: 4, Cunning: 1, Rating: 3, Other: Flight 2, Climb 1, Weaponry, Sight 3
Whale – Body: 4, Size: 5, Agility: 2, Combat: 0, Perception: 3, Cunning: 1, Rating: 4, Other: Swim 2, Hearing 3
New Savaran animals:
Banshee – the banshee is the fiercest predator of the Great Forest. It is believed to be an alternate evolutionary path of the same creature that the elves are descended from. Frighteningly intelligent, the banshee is essentially a human-sized owl. Banshees mate for life but are otherwise solitary, although there are rumors of multiple banshees banding together in temporary and highly sophisticated hunting packs. A highly exclusive ranger unit in the Great Forest has managed to successfully train a small group of these animals to accept riders. Body: 3, Size: 0, Agility: 5, Combat: 4, Perception: 4, Cunning: 4, Rating: 5, Other: Flight 2, Climb 1, Hearing 3, Camouflage, Weaponry
Dragon – these large dimorphodon-like flying reptiles were once the dominant predator of the Spire area. Their most well-known feature is a unique food pouch where they cultivate a toxic gas made from rotting food and a special type of symbiotic bacteria. Anyone caught in a cloud of this gas must make a Body + Willpower roll at difficulty 5 or be overcome with nausea for 5 rounds. Failure by two or more causes unconsciousness. The gas is also highly flammable. Body: 4, Size: 3, Agility: 3, Combat: 2, Perception: 2, Cunning: 1, Rating: 5, Other: Swim 1, Flight 2, Weaponry, Toxic Gas (+2)
Goblin – Goblins are short-nosed velociraptors that inhabit the Great Jungle. They make up for their relatively small size with an overabundance of weaponry and well-coordinated pack hunting. Body: 3, Size: 0, Agility: 4, Combat: 5, Perception: 2, Cunning: 3, Rating: 4, Other: Swim 2, Run 3, Climb 2, Weaponry
Griffon – a magnificent animal, the griffon resembles a cross between a feline and an eagle. These wondrous creatures, originally from the Spire area, have sadly been unable to adapt to the environment of the Great Cliff. While an extensive domesticated population still exists, they are believed to be extinct in the wild. Body: 4, Size: 1, Agility: 2, Combat: 1, Perception: 2, Cunning: 3, Rating: 4, Other: Swim 1, Climb 1, Run 2, Flight 2, Weaponry
Kobold – Kobolds are an extraordinarily intelligent breed of bipedal lizards native to the Dwarven Mountains. They have been observed forming rudimentary tribes and using simple tools, although no language has been identified yet. Attempts to use trained Kobolds in the mines have met with little success due to a ‘packrat’ tendency. Body: 2, Size: -1, Agility: 2, Combat: 1, Perception: 2, Cunning: 5, Rating: 3, Other: Swim 1, Climb 1, Run 1, Attractive
Kraken – a massive crustacean sea-floor predator/scavenger, krakens are the most feared sight in the oceans. Krakens slowly wander the deeps picking up scraps through a massive filtering system, and have been known on many occasions to ambush large whales. They are usually surrounded by swarms of smaller scavengers that have adapted to avoid the massive suction power of a Kraken’s food filtration system. Body: 4, Size: 6, Agility: 3, Combat: 2, Perception: 1, Cunning: 1, Rating: 6, Other: Swim 2, Run 1, Weaponry, Armored, Camouflaged
Kryptoc – what the banshee is to elves, the kryptoc is to orcs, a more primal offshoot of a distant ancestor. Kryptocs are cunning, bipedal crocodilians that inhabit the Great Marsh. Body: 4, Size: 1, Agility: 2, Combat: 4, Perception: 2, Cunning: 3, Rating: 5, Other: Swim 2, Run 2, Weaponry, Camouflage
Kykeon – able to survive only in the Great River, the kykeon is a freshwater pike grown to massive proportions. Especially aggressive individuals have been known to attack canoes and rowboats. Body: 4, Size: 1, Agility: 4, Combat: 3, Perception: 2, Cunning: 1, Rating: 4, Other: Swim 3, Weaponry, Camouflage, Scent 3
Megador – a throwback to ancient times, a megador is a titanic marine reptile, known to sailors as a sea serpent. Megadors are the dominant predator of the seas, and have no known predators except for the occasional and rarely successful kraken. Despite many nautical tales to the contrary, megadors display little interest in human ships. Body: 5, Size: 5, Agility: 4, Combat: 3, Perception: 2, Cunning: 1, Rating: 6, Other: Swim 3, Weaponry
Minotaur – minotaurs are a curious development of nature. Descended originally from a bovine ancestor, the animals evolved their hooves back into grasping appendages in order to become arboreal. Body: 4, Size: 1, Agility: 4, Combat: 0, Perception: 1, Cunning: 1, Rating: 3, Other: Climb 3
Pegasus – the herbivorous and equine equivalent of the griffon, this majestic breed faces a similar plight. Body: 3, Size: 1, Agility: 3, Combat: 0, Perception: 3, Cunning: 1, Rating: 3, Other: Fight 2, Run 3
Roc – these humongous relatives of the albatross form the backbone of all travel within the Great Cliff wilderness preserve. Over the centuries, the surprisingly intelligent rocs have been trained to carry small cargoes in exchange for food. All settlements in the Great Cliffs maintain a landing structure with food on hand to prevent travelers from having to carry such weighty provisions with them. Roc calls are available for a small fee in all border towns. Body: 5, Size: 4, Agility: 2, Combat: 0, Perception: 3, Cunning: 3, Rating: 4, Other: Flight 2, Climb 1
Unicorn – Unicorns are a truly unique species. They bear many similarities to elk, but the really interesting thing about a unicorn is its horn. Unicorns only have a single horn, despite their ancestry, but they have evolved am incredible prismatic effect that gathers solar energy during the day and channels it in to the unicorn’s body. This remarkable adaptation allows unicorns to survive up to very edges of the plant line of the Frozen Wastes. Body: 5, Size: 1, Agility: 2, Combat: 0, Perception: 2, Cunning: 1, Rating: 3, Other: Run 2, Swim 1
Size categories:
All objects and creatures have a size category, which represents how large or small they are and affects certain rolls. Every two size categories of difference causes one automatic success on Body rolls and -1 die on all Agility and Dexterity rolls for the larger creature, and one automatic success on Stealth and Awareness rolls for the smaller creature. Every three size categories of difference causes damage dealt by the larger creature to double and damage dealt by the smaller creature to be halved (round down to the nearest health level). Objects with no moving or fragile parts are considered to be two sizes larger for the purpose of damaging them. Size categories with both animate and inanimate examples are presented here:
-8 Bacteria
-7 Mite
-6 Mosquito
-5 Horsefly, ring
-4 Hummingbird, wallet
-3 Raven, purse
-2 Bobcat, fox, backpack
-1 Coyote, chair
0 Human, trash can
1 Kangaroo, refrigerator, golf cart
2 Cow, bear, car
3 Hippopotamus, SUV
4 Elephant, semi
5 Blue whale
6 Kraken
7 Tornado
All objects have an effective Body score, based on the material that they are made of. Damaging an object works exactly the same as damaging a person, except that the base difficulty to hit an object with a Body score of two or higher is 2 instead of 1. Breaking an object by pulling it apart or snapping it in two requires a Body + Athletics roll with a difficulty of the object’s body score. Keep in mind that most objects are made up of multiple smaller parts, so a wooden cart is easier to destroy than a cart-sized tree. Flexible objects are treated as if their Body was one point lower when attacked by something that deals wounding damage.
-1 (damaging automatically succeeds) – cheese
0 - fine china
1 – glass
2 – wood
3 – stone
4 – metal
5 – magically created alloys
Extras are people created by narrative causality, the general belief that such people do exist. Extras have no souls and thus no true free will, their actions are fully determined by physical facts. Because of this, the Timesense spell can predict their actions. Magesight shows that they have no magical talent, which on Savara means that they are either extras or worshipers of Heaven. Narrative Vision positively identifies extras and also reveals if they are a Hero and what Heroic powers they have. Heroes are named extras, usually created by some legend, and heroic powers are a mechanical way of representing the unusual characteristics these being sometimes possess. Heroes are people like the evil Vizier that always seems to be plotting against a king or the peasant who finds a magic sword and slays the dragon. Heroes do not have to be human, they can be things like the abominable snowman or the ogres that live in the hills. Examples of non-heroic extras would be the gangs that everyone knows roam dark alleys in big cities, the scantily-clad natives that always show up on deserted islands, or the monks that live up in the mountains.
Heroic Powers:
When designing extras, powers use up or provide (as appropriate) 3 experience per level. This is a guideline, not a hard rule. In addition to the examples listed, powers can mimic spells of one level lower than the power.
Level one heroic powers are minor effects, such as glowing eyes, being cold to the touch, always being surrounded by flies, leaving glowing footprints, making animals uneasy, never losing your hat, and so on
Level two heroic powers are potentially useful or detrimental effects, such as weakness in daylight, the ability to see behind you, or automatically seeming trustworthy.
Level three powers are significant, such as the ability to change into a single animal, hypnotic eyes, the ability to walk on water, or changing to stone in sunlight.
Level four powers are major effects, like commanding a specific type of animal or placing a curse on someone.
Level five powers are quite rare, and include such things as teleportation, animating shadows, or having your life-force tied to an inanimate object.
Level six powers are almost unheard of, as they can mimic level five spells. Detrimental level six powers would be something like being knocked unconscious by the would “hello”