Ryan ostell

From Lulz Logic

Ryan Ostell. That is the question. Who really is he? Man? Poo? you decide.


Ryan Ostell. Man Or Myth?

Ryan Ostell is a half man, half poo beast. There has been numerous sightings of Ryan Ostell around the country, mainly in Carlisle, but there has still not been enough proof to confirm that he exists as all the sightings are mainly from drunken washed up comedians (Luke Targett) if you have any info on this, contact the-big-badd
"a proven sighing of Ryan Ostell. Coincidence? I don't think so!"

Rumored areas of ryan ostell

  • Pesimmenes (near lowry hill)
  • Trinity school
  • La Baugette bar
  • Church
  • ebay
  • morrisons

Confirmed Sighting

There has been a confirmed sighting of Ryan Ostell recently after a trail of broken biscuits gave him away, he is still uncaught but after taking a statement from a worried homeowner concerned about house prices crashing due to the sighting was: "All I saw was a running camouflage coat followed by a trail of broken biscuits." It was a hard time for people nearby but they will soon get over it

Sports Life

Ryan Ostell is also known for his bagpipe dancing picture to the right
"shown above, ryan ostell losing himself in the music"
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