The Legend of Zelda items

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Weapons and Defense

  • Arrows- Arrows are spear-ended sticks that can only be shot by using a bow. Each arrow shot costs one rupee.
    • Wooden Arrows- Normal arrows that are standard with bows.
    • Silver Arrows- Accquired in the ninth dungeon, these arrows are the only ones that can pierce through Ganon.
  • Bombs- Bombs can be found either by destroying enemies or by purchasing them. Used to defeat the Dodongo and cracked walls.
  • Boomerang- A weapon that has a design so unique that it can come back after thrown
    • Wooden Boomerang-A boomerang made of wood. It can retrieve items.
    • Magical Boomerang- Same as the wooden boomerang except this boomerang can stun foes.
  • Bow- The item that can shoot arrows.
  • Magical Rod- A magic wand that can cast spells and hits like a sword.
  • Sword- The sword is the most commonly use item in LoZ. As you progress, your sword will upgrade (this is optional but nessesary)
    • Wooden Sword- The Old Man in the cave at the starting point will give this to you. It has the worst strength.
    • White Sword- Make sure you find this sword before you enter the fourth dungeon. This has medium power.
    • Magical Sword- After you have 12 heart containers, this powerful sword will come into your possesion when you find it in the graveyard.
  • Shield- This is your main defense which can block certian attacks.
    • Wooden Shield- The shield you start out with. It can deflect Octorck rocks.
    • Magical Shield- This bigger shield can be purchased after collecting enough rupees. It can deflect Zora's fireballs.


  • Book of Magic- a special tome that lets you summon spells like fire.
  • Candles- These candles can be used to illuminate rooms
    • Red Candles- can be used once in a room, leave then come back to use it again. Can be purchased.
    • Blue Candles- Can be used infinate times.
  • Compass- Find the compass in a labrynth to locate the boss' room.
  • Food- Food can be used to distract enemies. Some have no effect toward it.
  • Heart Container- You'll find them scattered everywhere. You can hold up to 18 heart containers
    • Regular Hearts- Enemies can leave these behind. These heal your heart meter.
  • Keys- Keys can be found or purchase, they can open up labrynth doors.
    • Magical Key- this master key will replace your key count with an "A" (almighty). This means it can open any door.
  • Ladder- This item lets you cross small bodies of water.
  • Letter- Show the letter to the old lady to be able to buy the water of life.
  • Magical Clock- Enemies drop this item that freezes time momentarilty.
  • Map- This shows the entire labrynth.
  • Power Bracelet- This stylish wear can let Link move obstcles like rocks.
  • Raft- The raft can allow you to launch of a dock and sail to the next. This is the only way to get to the fourth labrynth.
  • Rings- Rings are special finger-wear that can reduce damage.
    • Blue- Reduces damage by 1/2.
    • Red- Reduces damage to 1/4.
  • Rupees- The Hyrulian currency, needed for purchasing items. You can hold up to 225 rupees.
    • Yellow- 1 Rupee
    • Blue- 5 Rupees
  • Water of Life- This mystic medcine can restore health.
    • Red- Heals two hearts, comes in one dose.
    • Blue- Heals two hearts, comes in two doses.
  • Whistle- This summons a tornado that brings him to a labrynth entrance
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