The Naval War

From Lost Realm

The Naval War is an ongoing conflict between the seafaring nations of Relforsia and Pontra. The Relforsian's view Pontra as a colony of rogue pirates, scum, and villainy that need to be erased off the face of the planet, especially since Relforsia is their main target.

The Pontran view is that Relforsian ships usually carry quite abit of wealth, rare items, and supplies for the little nation. Many captains view the Relforsian nation as corrupt, and deviating from its old ways. They wish to destroy the council and The Trade Board, and destroy the near monopoly Relforsia has on the Southern Seas (though they do not quite grasp the fact that they too are a corrupt, greedy people).

The war is totally seabound. Relforsian ships attack and kill any Pontran ships on sight, and there is a no prisoner policy in effect. The war is at a basic stalemate because of various Relforsian interests (blockades of Steel Fist, shipment supplies to damaged cities and nations, trade), so there are few ships available to hunt Pontran ships. Likewise, Relforsia's land army was devastated by the Steel Fist to make a land war impossible.
The Naval War
Relforsia: Actions taken because: Piracy, constant threat to Relforsian civilian and military interests
Pontra: Actions taken because: Goods, wealth, a corrupt Relforsian government.
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