Brend Kastevlar

From Lost Realm

Duke Brend Kastevlar, "Gauntlet," was the ruler of Southern Dusk, one of the Candrim's 7 duchies. Compared to its larger neighbor, Northern Dusk, the duchy of Southern Dusk was considerably more wealthy and, as it was thought at the time, under considerably better management. Duke Kastevlar was a true patriot and warrior of his nation; loved by his people and respected by his peers, but, as the Generational War began and the invading Blood Spawn met minimal resistance, Kastevlar became frustrated with his nation's poor defense system. He made numerous arguments for stepping up Candrim's military to protect the duchies, but the duchies had always built their own armies, and most Dukes refused to contribute troops for a larger army to defend the 2 or 3 duchies in immediate danger. The greatest opponent to his pleas was the King himself, Ahnso Masser.

Knowing that the downfall of the eastern duchies would be disastrous for the already unstable and crumbling Candrite government, Kastevlar seceded and named his new nation "Steel Fist." The name is derived firstly from his own nickname and secondly from a key speech he gave to his people before announcing this bold move. Brend Kastevlar fought for his nation in a minor border war with Moeris when he was younger; he lost the four primary fingers of his right hand early in the campaign, but refused to return home. He learned to fight with his left hand, but he also commissioned a special shield built on to a large gauntlet with sharp edges and spikes that he could skewer and bash with, and he fought with both weapons through the conclusion of the war. This is how he earned the name "Gauntlet."

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