Refugee's of Iron Eye

From Lost Realm

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The Refugee's of Iron Eye is a political/racial group centered in Orecrest (but spread throughout the Lost Realm) that believe that they are the descendants of the ruling class of an ancient city, known as Iron Eye in the Old Realm. They are led by the radical Jeck Traden.


The members of the group believe that they are descended from the royal class of Iron Eye, and that they are the rightful rulers of Orecrest. Their leader, Jeck Traden, constantly denounces what he believes are the evils of Orecrest's ruling body, their various mistakes, and most recently, their king, Zale Linius. His most vocal cries, however, is that he believes that the Refugee's are the true rulers of Orecrest, and he will do anything to gain that control.


Note, the below is all Refugee MYTH. It is NOT TRUE. It is merely what they believe.

The Refugees believe that many centuries ago, their ancestors discovered an extremely rich mine deep within the undercaves of their city. As they were digging, they came upon a cave with a stone door carved into a far wall. After boring through the door, the miners waited outside the hole and laid down to sleep for the night. They were awoken by the most inhuman roar they had ever heard. Suddenly, the door slammed open and a massive creature emerged from it...the Yeebeeyath'n. With it, there were thousands of Corada'an. They immediately murdered the miners (one escaped to the surface barely before the hoard). The monsters emerged from the entrance of the mine and ravaged the city. The noble class had been preparing for this, for in their "infinate" knowledge, they had always known. They immediately left the city in a ship by the Great Gate and sailed for the a land they only knew of, the Lost Realm.

They landed on the southern coast and lived there for many years until the scouting parties from northern landings (the people they had doomed to the Yeebeeyath'n's minions.) came and conquered their fledgling settlement.

The Refugee's retreated inland.


Current Life

The bulk of the Refugee' currently reside in the small city of New Iron Eye. Their leader refuses to follow the laws and rules of Orecrest, and refuses to recieve economic aid. The Refugee's are fairly autonomous, farming land that they have purchased from nearby Orecrestian civilians and mining a nearby mine that has moderate quality materials. Currently, they are organizing a small fleet of five ships to find the Old Realm and reclaim their grand city of technology and commerce.

"The wretched rule of Zale Linius has continued for far too long. After the Yeebeeyath'n's minions and the Steel Fist warmongers wravaged nearby nations, and leaving Orecrest fairly intact, he leaves! The fool leaves and goes to Torrent to 'negotiate'. Negotiate over WHAT?! He should be negotiating with us! The wealth of our ancestor's achievements, will help us crush that fool! Whatever god he believes in better help him when we find Iron Eye." - Jeck Traden

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