Velarik Doreylin
From Lost Realm
Velarik Doreylin (Vel ar ick Doe ray lin) was born in Sheerwater, Sharnea about two years earlier than his younger brother Ravenok Doreylin. His parents were moderately wealthy, lesser nobles and his father and grandfather had served in the Upper Tiers during The Generational War. Though his parents and brother all possess the green eyes that are so key to their position in society (Kin over Volethic), he, strangely, did not. As they could not publicly favor Velarik as their heir, Ravenok's education and wants were always seen to first. Their parents still loved Velarik, they simply could not afford to support him as strongly--even as the eldest. Ravenok and Velarik both studied outside of school and both were intrigued by the concepts of the Power. Though they both studied the Way of the Shar, Velarik made a discovery of his own that turned him from this path and ultimately led to his betrayal. Velarik massacred a large number of Sharneans before disappearing to plot the downfall of the Shar.