London and the Imperator of Albion

From London Requiem

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The Imperator of Albion is believed have claimed praxis over the entire country some time in the 11th or 12th centuries - although details of this almost mythological figure are sparse. It is understood that he rose from a Council of Princes to a position where he was powerful enough to take control as an individual.

London had long removed itself from what passed for kindred politics, standing almost as a city state within the country. In this it seems the kindred of London were little different from their mortal counterparts - London was London, not just a city in England. Stephen of Rouen believed that the kindred of the city should retain this independence, and preached that London should continue to remain "uninterested" in events outside its walls.

This seemed to work, and there are no stories of London falling violently to the Imperator, as exist in some other domains. But it appears that some time towards the end of the 11th century, the kindred of the city were shocked and dismayed when Stephen of Rouen - a proponent of the independence of 'his' domain - travelled voluntarily to meet the Imperator, kneel before him, and pay homage. It appears that Stephen was never forgiven by the other kindred of London, though the lack of records makes any discussion of this period an educated guess at best.

It appears, however, that the Imperator was satisifed by Stephen's homage - and that the ruler of London was prepared to kneel to him. He allowed London to continue its night-to-night existence much as before, and very little changed. London remained as independent as possible - choosing to remain uninvolved with the moves that eventually ousted the Imperator. Only one kindred seems to have suffered following his fall - with the protection of the Imperator removed the anger that Stephen of Rouen had chosen to 'give' London to the Imperator boiled over, and he was killed soon after.

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