Joshua Penn

From London Requiem

Joshua is the childe of Marcus Flavius Albinus and was active in London from the early 19th century until the late 1940's. A vocal abolitionist, Joshua is known to have strong feelings about the parallels between ghouls and slaves. A proud Carthian, Joshua is always eager to discuss issues of Kindred society and the state of London, the city he often refers to as "the heart of the world".


  • Joshua was a violent mortal that was prepared to let his temper talk for him when words failed and his beast is still too close to the surface.
  • Joshua has been awake for several years before his return in the autumn of 2006, deliberately avoiding any perceptive kindred until certain 'marks of the soul' had faded.
  • Joshua is a Carthian so he can feed more easily on trusting neonates.
  • Joshua's ranting about slavery is just a front, he is in fact the bound slave of his sire.
  • Joshua only became a Carthian after being refused entry into the Invictus.
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