Righteous Monkey Style
From Logoscreation
Form Weapons: There are no form weapons for Righteous Monkey Style, it can only be used bare handed.
Armour: Righteous Monkey Style may only be used unarmoured.
Other Requirements: All practitioners of Righteous Monkey Style must have either two Virtues at 3 or higher, or one Virtue at 4 or higher. If they ever fail to meet this requirement, they lose all access to the Righteous Monkey charms.
Eternal Virtue Understanding Cost: - Type: Permanent Keywords: - Duration: Permanent Minimum Martial Arts: 2 Minimum Essence: 1 Prerequisites: None
The first lesson of the Righteous Sage is that virtue truly has no season. This charm permanently enhances the martial artist's capabilities, allowing the martial artist to channel her highest Virtue into her martial arts attacks and defense regardless of circumstance.
Root of Four Virtues Cost: 1m Type: Reflexive Keywords: Combo-OK Duration: Until Next Action Minimum Martial Arts: 2 Minimum Essence: 1 Prerequisites: Eternal Virtue Understanding
The Righteous Sage understands that, though one must often act, one must resist being acted upon. When this charm is activated, the martial artist is immune to knockback and knockdown and remains so until her next action.
Mind of Peace Meditation Cost: 3m Type: Simple Keywords: Obvious, Stackable Duration: One Scene Minimum Martial Arts: 3 Minimum Essence: 2 Prerequisites: None
The Righteous Sage must always be ready to act, and to allow her virtue to guide her to greatness. To activate this charm, the martial artist must choose a Virtue and about 20 minutes in meditation on the nature of this Virtue. At the end of the meditation period, the martial artist's caste mark blazes brightly, and she may spend 3 motes of essence to add one virtue channel to the chosen Virtue. This can take the number of channels available to that virtue over the maximum, but the additional channels fade at the end of a scene. The effects of this charm are cumulative, but the martial artist may not add more channels to any one Virtue than her permanent dots of Essence x 2.
Clever Monkey's Tail Cost: 4m, 1wp Type: Simple Keywords: Combo-OK, Touch Duration: Instant Minimum Martial Arts: 3 Minimum Essence: 2 Prerequisites: Mind of Peace Meditation
The enemies of the Righteous Sage are often the authors of their own destruction. When this charm is activated, the martial artist makes an immediate disarm attempt targetted at their opponent's weapon. If this attempt is successful, the weapon finds itself into the hands of the martial artist. From this point on, any weapon so stolen is considered a Form weapon for Righteous Monkey Style, so long as the essence spent on the charm remains committed. If the weapon is an artifact, the martial artist must make a reflexive Wits + Martial Arts roll (difficulty equal to the Artifact's master's Essence) and commit the Essence necessary to wield the weapon in order to use it. Otherwise, he must drop it immediately.
Righteous Monkey Form Cost: 5m Type: Simple (Speed 3) Keywords: Form-Type Duration: One Scene Minimum Martial Arts: 4 Minimum Essence: 2 Prerequisites: Clever Monkey's Tail, Root of Four Virtues
The martial artist makes the Virtue Defining Gesture, becoming one with her inner Will and grounding herself in the Essence of the world. For the remainder of the scene, the martial artist does not fail Virtue rolls, even rolls which would compel her into some foolish act. So long as she does not resist the pull of her Virtues, however, she subtracts her lowest Virtue from the Accuracy of all attacks made against her, and adds her highest Virtue to the Accuracy of all attacks that she makes.
Nimble Monkey's Paw Cost: 10m, 1wp Type: Simple Keywords: None Duration: One Scene Minimum Martial Arts: 5 Minimum Essence: 3 Prerequisites: Righteous Monkey Form
The path of Virtue is often unpredictable, and the Righteous Sage is unfettered by anything but his own will. While this charm is active, nothing may constrain or anticipate the martial artist's action. She converts her martial arts into automatic successes on rolls made to control grapples and may add her Martial Arts to her Larceny for purposes of freeing herself from bondage. Her Essence is added to the difficulty of charms such as "Walking In The Footsteps of Ten Thousand Things" and "Evidence-Discerning Method", and she may resist unnatural mental influence without gaining Limit, though she must still spend willpower to do so.
Virtuous Gatewarden Stance Cost: 3m, 1 Virtue Channel (see below) Type: Reflexive Keywords: Combo-OK Duration: Instant Minimum Martial Arts: 5 Minimum Essence: 3 Prerequisites: Nimble Monkey's Paw
The Righteous Sage understands the principles of the Four Gates of Virtue, and has learned the method by which they can be defended from attack. This charm is a defensive measure, which can be activated in response to any attack enhanced by charms with the Crippling, Sickness, Shaping or Illusion keywords, or in response to "Four Halo Golden Monkey Palm". Activating the charm requires the expenditure of one virtue channel, determined by the effect that the martial artist wishes to counter. Compassion counters Sickness, Valor counters Crippling, Temperance counters Illusion and Conviction counters Shaping. The virtue attacked by "Four Halo Golden Monkey Palm" determines the virtue channel used. When the motes are spent for this charm, the martial artist chooses a charm that is enhancing his opponent's attack which meets the above requirements. That charm is removed from the attack, its effects negated by the power of the martial artist's enlightened virtue. All other charms, and the attack itself, must be defended against normally.
Monkey Steals the Peaches Cost: 8m, 1 wp Type: Simple Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious, Touch, Stackable Duration: Indefinite Minimum Martial Arts: 5 Minimum Essence: 3 Prerequisites: Virtuous Gatewarden Stance
The Righteous Sage has become a master of his own Virtue, and in so doing, has learned to master the Virtue of others. When this charm is activated, the martial artist makes a Martial Arts + Dexterity attack against her chosen target, DV applies as though this was a normal attack, but if the attack is successful, the martial artist seals off one of the target's Virtues rather than dealing damage. For so long as the martial artist commits the Essence spent on this charm, the target cannot benefit from the virtue, cannot channel it and automatically fails any rolls made with that virtue. The martial artist can seal off multiple Gates of Virtue on a single target, and if all four of a targets Virtues are sealed, they cannot gain willpower or essence until the martial artist relents. Additionally, a character who has had their virtues sealed cannot benefit from the charm "Four Halo Golden Monkey Realignment".
This charm has a special effect against the Fae, in that rather than sealing any "virtue" they may not possess, it does aggravated damage equal to their rating in the Virtue so attacked.
Mirror of Heaven's Virtue Cost: 3m, 1wp + special Type: Reflexive (Step 9) Keywords: Counterattack, Obvious Duration: Instant Minimum Martial Arts: 5 Minimum Essence: 4 Prerequisites: Monkey Steals the Peaches
Virtue is defined by Essence, and Essence, in turn, by Virtue. In addition to the prerequisites above, the Martial Artist must possess at least one virtue at 5 in order to learn and use this charm. The charm can be activated in response to any charm-enhanced martial arts attack made against the martial artist. The martial artist pays 3 motes of essence, 1 willpower, and the cost of all charms used to enhance the attack against which she is defending. The martial artist then rolls her (Highest Virtue + Essence), with each success reducing the attacker's extra successes from the attack roll by one. If the martial artist has even one success remaining after cancelling all of her attacker's successes, the attack she is countering is redirected back onto the attacker, who must defend against the attack and all charm effects associated with the attack as though he were the original intended target and had scored a number of successes in attacking himself equal to the number of successes he scored in attacking the martial artist before DV and the effects of this charm were applied.